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Monday, May 16, 2016

[Share] Method fix isdone.dll error for GTA V

ISDone.dll and Unarc.dll Error in GTA V. An error occurred while unpacking: Does not match checksum! Unarc.dll returned an error code: -12 ERROR. We will show you easy 2 ways to fix this problem

[Share] Method fix isdone.dll error for GTA V

Readmore :
How to Fix GTA V error code 107
Step to Fix error GTA V has been stopped working

Step by step
The first you can download directX and instal
(Warning !! select the appropriate composition of your computer OS )

If wiil fix dll errors, you can lets to play but if not than you have to manually download dll.
Now how to manually download ISDone.dll and unarc.dll to fix error ISdone.dll GTA V

The first you visit website
Download and select type your OS 32 bit or 64 bit or try all type if you dont know hahahaha
Next Step extract and copy to paste
Go to C:Windows -> System 32
If your OS 64 bit
Go to C:Windows -> SysWOW64
And Paste Enjoy the game hehehe

Amazon sale: Buy Sims 4 get together for $ 10

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Step to Fix Problem "Unhandled Exception" error on install or playing GTA:VC

Answer: There are a variety of issues that may be causing you to have this Unhandled Exception problem. Please read through the list below for some possible solutions.

--If cheat codes have been used, and you have saved your game after the cheat code has been used (even if you disabled the cheat before saving), there is a strong possibility that the data used in that save game has become corrupted; this will sometimes cause an Unhandled Exception error if you try to load the game. We recommend that if you feel it necessary to use cheats, you should not save the game. These cause a number of unpredictable results, and basically take the game out of our control. Delete any save games that have had cheat codes used in them.
--A third-party feature pack for streaming video files, called "Nimo Codec Pack," has been known to cause a number of different problems when trying to install and run GTA: Vice City. If you do have this installed, we recommend uninstalling the Nimo Codec Pack, then try to install the game.
If you are certain you do not have the Nimo Codec Pack installed, and you have not used any cheat codes while loading or playing your saved games, please try the following solutions in order:
1.) Completely uninstall the game.
2.) Delete the main default game folder: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA Vice City
3.) Delete the default installshield folder: C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information If you do not see this folder then do the following:
Open windows explorer, go to VIEW or TOOLS, FOLDER OPTIONS, VIEW then click on the circle next to show all files. Press APPLY this then press OK you will now see the folder (it is grayed out) .
4.) Delete the save game folder in your 'My Documents' folder called 'GTA Vice City User Files.'
5.) You now will need to do a registry clean to make sure no game files were left during the uninstall. The easiest way to do this is to download a program called Regcleaner. You can download the program from here:
6.) Reboot your system.
7.) Do a scandisk and quick defrag of your hard drive.
8.) Lower your desktop resolution for troubleshooting purposes. The game is best installing and playing the game. Go to Start, Settings, then Control Panel. Double-click the Display icon then, click the Settings Tab. For the Color Palette setting, select 16-bit High colors. (Do not use 24 or 32 bit color modes) For the Desktop Area, set it to 800 x 600. Click Apply, and restart the system if prompted.
9.) Double check your monitor settings:
A.) For Windows 9x/ME Users: Check your monitor settings by Right-clicking on the Desktop and choose Properties from the menu. Click the Settings tab, then the Advanced Properties button. Click the Monitor tab (this may say ´Unknown, Standard or Default´). Click the Change button, and after Windows builds the driver information database, select the proper monitor type (Plug And Play is usually the correct choice; check with your monitor or system manufacturer if you are unsure). Click Apply, then Ok or Close, and restart the system when prompted. Make sure only one monitor is listed and not two. Remove any other ones listed that are not the true monitor you have connected to your computer now.
B.) For Windows 2000/XP Users: First begin by right clicking on your desktop where there are no icons located and left click the Properties option. Select the Settings tab. Toward the bottom you will see a button labeled ´Advanced´. Hit that button, then select the Monitor tab. Located in that screen is a ´Properties´ button. Hit that button, then select the Driver tab. Hit the ´Update Driver´ button located in that column of buttons. The ´Hardware Update Wizard´ will now open.
On the first screen of the Wizard, there are two options that can be chosen by placing a bullet next to the selection. The default option is ´Install software automatically (Recommended)´. Please change that to the other option, which reads ´Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)´ by clicking on the sentence and placing a bullet there. Now hit the ´Next´ button.On the next screen, the Wizard will ask for your search and installation options. The selection defaults to ´Search for the best driver in these locations. ´Please change that to ´Don´t search. I will choose the driver to install´ by placing a bullet next to that option. Hit the ´Next´ button. If the Plug and Play option is there, please click on it and then hit the ´Next´ button. This will change your monitor setting to Plug and Play. If the Plug and Play option is not there, then please uncheck the box that says ´Show compatible hardware´. This will change the screen slightly to show a Manufacturer´s column, which you should change to (Standard Monitor Types). You may need to scroll up or down to do so. To the right of that, there will be a Model column. Once you have selected (Standard Monitor Types), you will now be able to choose Plug and Play under the Model section. When you have done that, please click the ´Next´ button. This will change your monitor setting to Plug and Play.
10.) Close or disable all background programs running including anti-virus, scanner software, online chat software & direct cd type programs.
11.) Reinstall GTA Vice City, then start the game.
This error has also been fixed by turning off the antialiasing feature in the GeForce Properties window. To do this:
--Enter your Display Properties menu for your GeForce Card, and change the "Intellisample" settings to "Application." To do this:
1. Right-click on your Windows Desktop, and select "Properties" from the drop-down menu.
2. Click on the "settings" tab, found near the top of the Display Properties window, then click on the "Advanced" button.
3. Click on the GeForce FX tab near the top of the screen. This should open up a window displaying settings for your particular GeForce card. If a side-menu does not appear, click on the small green button on the left hand side of the window; a smaller window should appear on that side.
4. Click on the "Performance & Quality Settings" option.
5. On the Antialiasing Slider, click and drag the slider bar all the way to the left hand side to disable the Antialiasing. Click "OK" twice to close the windows.

Readmore :

Patch 1.16.61

Tutorial and Sharing Game PC - Patch 1.16.61

Amendment and your will be disabled automatically. Please be sure to replace it safe by the Creator before enabling adjustment again. Please also backup your save games. Please also read this article carefully: in Prepartion for the restoration of

hello everyone,

just a smallish correction today. Festival next Easter Egg hunt and grow the fruit that has already been announced, and we got a few of the reforms, nothing dramatic but not limited to know to make people happy.

and the biggest of everything going on originally number. Those who have been beaten before, I know what I'm talking about. I have also addressed the issue with any high speed when sleeping in tents and Sims did not finish reading the book has also been eating

problem that can be withdrawn only one item at the time of stock to stock. - Who know that this only happens if you have a dip in the outdoor installation.

Apart from that there are a couple Mo and some of the whims of the daily task and reforms. Nothing spectacular, but I'm glad they fixed it.

big issues I'm missing is to sit down when cleaning and other issues for a long time, such as breaking the beloved theme. I hope it's also tweaked as well as the execution of (my family tree in a state of chaos and I'm very disappointed every time you look at it) and other performance issues. This is to find out though

detail as always below


Source: EA

greetings raging, 19459003 ]

How is everything?

we have a small piece of something here in this version ... I know, and read your responses to this announcement, there are some questions. So, let me see if I can give you some information.

First, let's talk about the new stuff. It's spring, and there Spring Challenge!

Yasmin holiday, we have a new challenge coordinator, is waiting for you in the oasis springs and Willow Creek parks. She said she was looking forward to your help in collecting growfruit ... turns out she needs a lot more.

brought her 20 growfruit and she will give you a new planter. Brings her growfruit perfect, she will give you the Dazzled planter. Jasmine also has a limited amount of super compost that it is willing to share with you to help you grow, which growfruit perfection.

've also added back the egg challenge last year. Now with two new eggs are added to the mix. Every 12 from all over the world gather to open a stuffed rabbit

  • for those who unlocked bunny last year - stuffed! It's still there along with the bunny New Look added to the options for color

Ok, so some of the questions that may come to mind (or did not get already asked), and I can help address here .

  • Yasmin will remain after this challenge?
    • Jasmine is just around the challenge, she coordinated the challenge we have, which is very busy.
  • Will she be back?
    • I'm glad you asked this ...

other questions that may come ...

  • What about eggs, and growfruit, they stay around?
    • we will not you have found are removed anything, but like last time, will not be scattered around the eggs to be able to find them.
    • growfruit and continues to grow on your tree, can be grown and harvested ... but with Yasmin departing, you will not be able to buy new seeds.

We also have some issues that we addressed.

general issues
  • many exhibition, which was razed will not maintain bulldozed by the "original by "when information is uploaded to the gallery.
  • extensions gallery that uses custom thumbnail will now be marked as custom content.
  • Sims and now you finish reading the book!
  • by Mo moove wall objects that have a high "preferred" (wall shelves of books, mirrors) for, they will not re-position when picking them up from the position of the new MO.
    • ok ... How many of you read as a "new Mo poo sition"?
  • Mooving room that has moo'd things within them, not incorrectly reset or anywhere in the inventory, transfer moo'd objects.
  • "Using machine Cupcake (of doom *) will count now toward the daily requirement for the preparation of food in the culinary profession (of doom *).
    • * References DOOM is to experience only improved reading, but do not exist in the game. no one has Forex Salim was last edited. AA batteries sold separately. batteries, but is not required to experience reading the text, but if you read on the old hand device felt that actually runs on AA batteries. in this case, apologized for the "old signal . "
  • ownership activity agenda, in regards to the completion of" Do you have another table, "an ambitious goal for an ambitious technical miracle, no longer fail if signed property before or after the existence of the goals.
  • "implementation of the routine in space" and now count correctly towards the "implementation of three comedy routines," an ambitious goal for a joke guise of ambition.
    • ... pigs in space ...
      • for no reason However, to date myself ...
  • and fancy "Send text happy" now complete and correctly if the reaction starts from the phone menu.
  • become friends with the brothers (who are of the age of the child) and now followed correctly against the goal, "became friends with three other children" of socialism butterfly ambition.
decline in outdoor
  • Super Ultra or ( fanatics, frantic, weird, radical, funny, ....) ... exciting speed of ridicule (also known as high-speed) should now work correctly when Sims sleep or nap in the tent.
  • pull the pile of inventory items from one to another Sim, should now drag properly stack.
    • exciting data interesting point ... knowing that the withdrawal of stock Sims is one of the countless handsome else was possible in the game The Sims 4 - less than 0.5% of the players
day Spa
  • after a small debate, yoga emerged victorious - and Mat yoga now charges as a piece of workout equipment when trying to complete a bodybuilder ambition.
    • On a side note unrelated, that the original architect would like to know the number of a good chiropractor bones.
  • must not appear if there is no fire near the "light on the stove" whim.
  • fancy "dance music on the stereo," will now complete properly if dances and handsome to music from the DJ booth.

I hope you enjoy the game and go out,


Patch 1.16.61 Tutorial and Sharing Game PC - Patch 1.16.61

Langkah mengatasi error pes 2016 d3dx9_43.dll

PES 2016 merupakan game terfavorit karena orang yang seluruh dunia juga banyak menggemari yang namanya olahraga sepakbola sehingga game ini pun ikut terbawa untuk menjadi game yang terpopuler khususnya PES 2016 yang membuat game, betemakan sepakbola.

Mungkin bagi orang yang tidak terlalu mengerti game sering kali di bingungkan dengan error saat sudah menginstal game PES 2016
Hal dasar yang sering mengalami error seperti error pes 2016 d3dx9_43.dll.

Langkah mengatasi error pes 2016 d3dx9_43.dll

Untuk permasalahan ini bagi gamer mania sudah biasa, namun bagi orang yang awam ini cukup menjengkelkan.

Oleh karena itu saya mencoba membuat tulisan ini, meskipun cukup mudah caranya. Pertama hal ini terjadi error pes 2016 d3dx9_43.dll
di karenakan software pendukung gamenya yang kurang, yaitu salah satunya DirectX.

Software ini sangatlah penting untuk berjalannya game pada PC anda.

Anda bisa download softwarenya disini 

Setelah itu anda ekstrak di C:\Program Files\Konami \Pro Evolution Soccer 2016\

dan instal directX nya setelah itu anda restart komputer anda dan mainkan

Selamat ..

Note : Spesifikasi komputer anda juga harus memenuhi system requirements yang tertera pada game PES 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Talent punished: Stolen Awards - Review

Tutorial and Sharing Game PC - Talent punished: Stolen Awards - Review

You and Research Fellow candidates for the prestigious Pride humanitarian award gathered together in the castle European gorgeous. Situation took turn deadly when it seems that the serial killer out there, which led to the interruption of the candidates one by one! With all the ways to get out of the castle is being cut, you can survive a night in this madness?

? ?

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Name: talent punish: Edition stolen prizes collectors
Release Date: March 6, 2016
developer: Blam! Games

has been a while since your last project of Blam! Games, and it looks like the developer lost a little mystique. The most powerful aspect of talent punish: stolen prizes undoubtedly her photo. Sharp graphics, as well as color, with elegant artwork and realistic shades and tones. Animation can be a little fixed in time, but this is only a minor issue. What's more concerning is the background soundtrack. Talent punished: Stolen prize is a game that is very loud, and that is, there is music in the background at every point in the game. Moreover, we found the background music replicated to be incredibly distracting - ended audio conversion along the way

to read the plot alone, we know we are in for a cliché another hidden object adventure game. The concept of falling inside the palace with a serial murderer on the loose is certainly not unique, although we must admit that it is still interesting enough to hold our attention for the most part of the game. However, the punishment of talent: the stolen prize is a game that can be very predictable. Part adventure like only starters came, and hidden object scenes are flat from the standard puzzles and lacks serious challenge.

bonus features in the Collector Edition, which can not be seen until the end of the game, are wallpapers, concept art, Strategy Guide, and cutscenes, achievements, collectibles and replayable mini-games. Chapter solid bonus to a certain extent and about an hour long, this adds up to a total length of about four and a half hours.

Apart from the pictures of stars, and there are basically anything else commendable talent punished: stolen prizes. The game is a good game made for beginners since this game is inspiring, simple and perhaps players become more advanced than

Graphics: 4.5 / 5 stars
Sound: 3/5 star
story: 3.5 / 5 stars
originality: 3/5 star
play: 3/5 star
puzzles: 3/5 star
control and navigation: 4.5 / 5 stars
fun factor: 3.5 / 5 stars
extras: 4/5 star


in this series:
  • talent punish: seven think
Talent punished: Stolen Awards - Review Tutorial and Sharing Game PC - Talent punished: Stolen Awards - Review

How to Fix GTA V error code 107

Sorry didn't make it clear for when I had this error because it appears after loading certain mods etc.....(This does not fix if you've installed a mod or messed with game files sorry)

This fix worked for me after I tried everything when I had this error.

Note: I've made this error pop up a few times with installing mods etc so... This error is for straight after retail version installation.

Caused by :
1. put like 7 DVDs in to install.
2.launcher updates like 3gb
3.launcher giving this error.
( Retail version )
( Non steam version )
It may work for steam but haven't tested it.

1. Go to c:/windows/system32

2. Find any .DLL file beginning with D3D
And delete it.
( some .dll's can't be deleted but its OK )

3. Go to "" and locate DIRECTX for you system and download it

4. After DIRECTX has been downloaded your game should now work :-)

5. "Optional" leave a like so others know that this works for you.

Note : If doesn't work ,you can reinstal directX10 or 11, and use play GTAV.exe

"Ignore tags"
GTA 5, GTA v, error 107, failed to start, GTA 5 failed to launch, non steam version, 2015

Readmore :
How to fix error Black screen DOOM 2016
How to Resolve Error ISDone.dll to Install Game One Piece Warriors 3


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