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Showing posts with label Dragon Age Insquistion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragon Age Insquistion. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Cara PC Controls Fix untuk Game Dragon Age Inquistion

Okegamers - Buat yang ingin menjadikan game nya menjadi lebih actiondan greget, ada yang membuat guide atau cara memakai program autohotkey.

berikut Cara PC Controls Fix untuk Game Dragon Age Inquistion from texchnolyze
Cara PC Controls Fix untuk Game Dragon Age Inquistion

Left Click: basic attack.
Right Click: block/parry.
Side Button 1: toggle free cam that follows mouse movement without having to hold down right button.
Side Button 2: original functions of right click, such as marking map or highlighting enemy.
Space: dodge/roll.
Middle Click: lock target/switch target.
E: cancel target lock.
Home: toggle all hotkeys on or off. Useful when entering text, i.e. renaming crafted gear.

Sumbernya :

First of all, this fix only solves problems outside the tactical cam. In fact, using this fix will render tactical cam very difficult to use, so be warned! It will turn controls on M/KB into something you may find in a full-fledged action RPG like Dark Souls.

The below list are based on the default script with default settings. All the keys can be bound to any other key, if you edit the script.
  • Left Click: basic attack.
  • Right Click: block/parry.
  • Side Button 1: toggle free cam that follows mouse movement without having to hold down right button.
  • Side Button 2: original functions of right click, such as marking map or highlighting enemy.
  • Space: dodge/roll.
  • Middle Click: lock target/switch target.
  • E: cancel target lock.
  • Home: toggle all hotkeys on or off. Useful when entering text, i.e. renaming crafted gear.
1. Get AutoHotKey from here: recommend reading it up a bit just for general knowledge.
2. Create an empty text file and edit it. Copy and paste the following text into the file:
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Dragon Age: Inquisition


if toggle := !toggle
Send, {RButton down}
Send, {RButton up}




3. Save the file and change its extension from ".txt" to ".ahk".

4. In-game, change the following bindings:
  • Put "Shield Wall", "Slash and Block" or "Parry" to slot 8. This allows you to trigger the ability via right click.
  • Put "Dodge", "Combat Roll" or "Fade Step"  to a slot, and rebind that slot to Space. This allows you to roll around with space key.
  • Rebind ability keys 4, 5, 6 to more convenient keys like C, Z, X, R, etc. E.g. I use C for charge abilities.
  • Ensure Esc key is still bound to Escape/Menu by default.
  • Ensure Tab key is still bound to Switch Target by default.
5. Double click the .ahk file every time you play the game, and you are all set. If you get a message about "SingleInstance", that means the script is already running, so simply click Okay.

Known Issues
My mouse cursor/clicks aren't working in menus or conversations.
This is because you entered the menu/conversations with the free cam toggled on. Simply toggle it off.

The free cam is toggled off every time I enter menus, conversations, looting, map.
I personally haven't found a fix for this. For now you can just click the toggle button twice to reactivate free cam.

Sometimes my keys stop working in combat!
This happens very very rarely. I've had it happen only 3 times in about 60 hours of play. I'm not entirely sure if this is a keybind problem or actually a game bug, as when this issue occurs some normal ability keys like 1, 2, 3 also do not work. I found that either left click to attack or Space to roll resolves the issue instantly.

Where can I find a list of keys that I can bind or rebind?
Modifiers: http://www.autohotke...ocs/Hotkeys.htm(note that I use a lot of *, which has to be removed if you want to use modifiers)

My mouse doesn't have side buttons!
Simply change "XButton1" and "XButton2" in the above script to something else. E.g.
if toggle := !toggle
Send, {RButton down}
Send, {RButton up}

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overall yang akan dirasakan oleh anda itu camera movement mantap abnget
tanpa tahan mouse kanan udah bisa gerakin camera
selain itu, membuat juga buat nge bind tombol mouse yg sebelumnya ga bisa dipakai
contohnya klik scroll mouse buat target (TAB), sama tombol samping mouse (4 & 5)

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Cara mengatasi settingan game pad yang pas pada game Dragon Age Inquistion

Okegamers2 - Cara mengatasi settingan game pad yang pas pada game Dragon Age Inquistion - Beberapa game seperti ini membutuhkan settingan game pad yang pas agar pada saat bermain arah kamera maupun action menjadi lebih enak dan baik untuk mudah dikendalikan oleh karena itu disini kita bahas Cara mengatasi settingan game pad yang pas pada game Dragon Age Inquistion  agar settingan game pad kita lebih baik dan enak untuk dimainkan.

Cara mengatasi settingan game pad yang pas pada game Dragon Age Inquistion

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PC Controls Fix from texhnolyze
Buat yang mau game nya jadi lebih action, ada yang membuat guide memakai program autohotkey.

Left Click: basic attack.
Right Click: block/parry.
Side Button 1: toggle free cam that follows mouse movement without having to hold down right button.
Side Button 2: original functions of right click, such as marking map or highlighting enemy.
Space: dodge/roll.
Middle Click: lock target/switch target.
E: cancel target lock.
Home: toggle all hotkeys on or off. Useful when entering text, i.e. renaming crafted gear.

 Dari forum


First of all, this fix only solves problems outside the tactical cam. In fact, using this fix will render tactical cam very difficult to use, so be warned! It will turn controls on M/KB into something you may find in a full-fledged action RPG like Dark Souls.

The below list are based on the default script with default settings. All the keys can be bound to any other key, if you edit the script.
Left Click: basic attack.
Right Click: block/parry.
Side Button 1: toggle free cam that follows mouse movement without having to hold down right button.
Side Button 2: original functions of right click, such as marking map or highlighting enemy.
Space: dodge/roll.
Middle Click: lock target/switch target.
E: cancel target lock.
Home: toggle all hotkeys on or off. Useful when entering text, i.e. renaming crafted gear.
1. Get AutoHotKey from here: recommend reading it up a bit just for general knowledge.

2. Create an empty text file and edit it. Copy and paste the following text into the file:
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Dragon Age: Inquisition


if toggle := !toggle
Send, {RButton down}
Send, {RButton up}




3. Save the file and change its extension from ".txt" to ".ahk".

4. In-game, change the following bindings:
Put "Shield Wall", "Slash and Block" or "Parry" to slot 8. This allows you to trigger the ability via right click.
Put "Dodge", "Combat Roll" or "Fade Step"  to a slot, and rebind that slot to Space. This allows you to roll around with space key.
Rebind ability keys 4, 5, 6 to more convenient keys like C, Z, X, R, etc. E.g. I use C for charge abilities.
Ensure Esc key is still bound to Escape/Menu by default.
Ensure Tab key is still bound to Switch Target by default.
5. Double click the .ahk file every time you play the game, and you are all set. If you get a message about "SingleInstance", that means the script is already running, so simply click Okay.

Known Issues
My mouse cursor/clicks aren't working in menus or conversations.
This is because you entered the menu/conversations with the free cam toggled on. Simply toggle it off.

The free cam is toggled off every time I enter menus, conversations, looting, map.
I personally haven't found a fix for this. For now you can just click the toggle button twice to reactivate free cam.

Sometimes my keys stop working in combat!
This happens very very rarely. I've had it happen only 3 times in about 60 hours of play. I'm not entirely sure if this is a keybind problem or actually a game bug, as when this issue occurs some normal ability keys like 1, 2, 3 also do not work. I found that either left click to attack or Space to roll resolves the issue instantly.

Where can I find a list of keys that I can bind or rebind?
Keys: http://www.autohotke...ocs/KeyList.htm
Modifiers: http://www.autohotke...ocs/Hotkeys.htm(note that I use a lot of *, which has to be removed if you want to use modifiers)

My mouse doesn't have side buttons!
Simply change "XButton1" and "XButton2" in the above script to something else. E.g.
if toggle := !toggle
Send, {RButton down}
Send, {RButton up}



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overall bisa dirasakan manfaatnya itu camera movement
tanpa tahan mouse kanan sudah bisa menggerakan camera
selain itu, guna juga buat nge bind tombol mouse yang sebelumnya tidak bisa dipake
contohnya klik scroll mouse buat target (TAB), sama tombol samping mouse (4 & 5)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Cara mengatasi Crash kembali ke desktop pada game Dragon Age inquistion

Okegamers2 - Cara mengatasi Crash kembali ke desktop pada game Dragon Age inquistion - Meskipun sesifikasi anda mencukupi bahkan memenhi system recommended tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk para pengguna game pc pak tani biasa terjadi seperti ini, pada kasus ini terjadi pada game Dragon Age Inquistion. Berikut langkahnya Cara mengatasi Crash kembali ke desktop pada game Dragon Age inquistion yang saya dapat di forum luar :

Cara mengatasi Crash kembali ke desktop pada game Dragon Age inquistion

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Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada game dragon age inquistion

I believed that I have fixed this problem since I have played the game for 2 days without any crash.

I have tried to many ways to solves this problem at the first place, it took me a bit of time to completely fixed it. I have tried every suggestions such as: update driver to the lasted version, update directx, install visual C++, under locking video card, lower the graphic... at some points I thought I have fixed it but I can only play the game for 30 min - 1 hour then the game crash again during the gameplay or the cutscenes. Finally, thanks to "The Maker" I have successfully fixed this directx error.

Here is how I have done. (some of the steps may not be necessary, but I still recommand you to do all of them, it never hurt to try and it can be done very quickly).

1) I went to C:\Users\Your-Username\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save and delete ProfileOptions_profile. (Don't worry, you will not loose any of your saves, This will set your game graphic low any reset any of your game setting to default such as :keyboard control, subtitles in game... you can switch these option back on later).

2) I went to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\directx\redist or to the location that you have installed the game, then open DXSETUP and install directx (If you press install and it say that your computer has already install it or anything similar to that, then you should be fine).

3) I download and installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 ,Then reset your computer. (If you have already installed, uninstall it then reinstall again, Note that uninstall any Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 versions then only install 1 that fit your computer x64 or x84.)

Link download:

4) I disable Origin in Game, you can find this under Origin / Application setting / Origin In Game (this may not be necessary, but it will help to reduce the game lag).

5) lauch your game then go to game option / display then switch to Windowed Fullscreen, also go to graphic to double check and make sure that Abient Occlusion has turn off. Then quit the game (because your setting will applied the next time your start the game).

=> Lauch your game and Enjoy!

------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---

Notes 1: some of the thing I have not confirm that whether you can play your on any high graphic setting, I haven't try this since I'm not confidence that my computer is that strong to afford it anyway, I playing at low setting, the game run very smooth no lag or crash, the graphic is very good as well. If you computer are good then do all the steps first, play the game for 2-3 hours or even longer maybe, see whether the problem has fixed for your. Then try to go on what ever graphic as you like, I'm sure the game will look even better. But remember to play on Windowed Fullscreen and turn off the Abient Occlusion in graphic setting.

Notes 2: as I mention that my computer is old, it is not strong enough to afford high graphic game, so if I can fix this problem, you can as well!

Tambahan dari saya : Jika masih mengalami crash setelah semua langkah diatas dilakukan. coba anda uninstall clean/all driver amd/nvidia, trus install driver lama saja, siapa tau bisa, dan terakhir coba repair game (khusus ori).

Sekarang tidak ada masalah sama sekali, sudah tidak ada crash/freeze lagi, main 4-5 jam tanpa crash. malah sejak patch 2 ini mungkin bisa naikin beberapa setting ke medium/high, tadinya low semua 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada game dragon age inquistion

Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada  game dragon age inquistion - Bagi anda yang suka menggunakan controler atau joystick saat bermain game, berikut saya memberikan tutorial yang didapat dari forum dragon age inquistion  bagaimana cara menggunakan game pad abal-abal dalam bermain game PC dragon age inquistion .Dibawah ini langkah -langkah tutorial Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada  game dragon age inquistion :

Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada  game dragon age inquistion

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Controller: x360ce Tutorial
Pertma anda download terlebih dahulu disini : click here

The "x360ce" being "".
The "64 bit libraries" being ""

1. Delete sema file x360ce dan semua DLLS didalam folder dragon age inquistion  (jika anda sudah main game DAI).

2. Ekstrak x360ce pada folder baru yang anda buat terserah, jalankan x360ce nya (agar muncul file .ini and xinput1_3.dll). Configure your gamepad now. Save. Exit. Selanjutnya anda pindahkan  x360ce.exe and x360ce.ini ke dalam folder dragon age inquistion  . DO NOT OPEN x360ce.exe inside DA:I folder anymore!

3. Download the 64 bit libraries and copy x360ce.gdb, dinput8.dll, xinput1_3.dll to DA:I folder.

4. Open x360ce.gdb with notepad and add these lines:

Name = Dragon Age: Inquisition
HookMask= 0x00000002

Save. Exit.

5. Change "xinput1_3.dll" inside DA:I folder name to "xinput9_1_0.dll"

6. This last part may be unnecessary, but I did it, and it didn't hurt. Open up x360ce.ini and add these lines (if [InputHook] and the HookMode lines are already there, just add the third HookCOM line to it):

HookMode = 1
HookCOM = 1

7. Done.

Selesai jika ada bahasa inggris yang tidak dimengerti tinggal anda translate sendirilah, ane dah translate tuh yang awal biar gak pada psing duluan hehehe, tinggal komentar saja jika tidak mengerti.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cara mengatasi solusi error pada saat instal Patching Dragon Age Inquistion

Cara mengatasi solusi error pada saat Patching Dragon Age Inquistion
Install Patching Dragon Age Inquistion

Cara mengatasi solusi error pada saat Patching Dragon Age Inquistion

Menurut beberapa pengalaman para gamers enjoy patch 2 ini, main jadi lebih lancar, fps naik sekitar 5-7fps.

Biasanya di awal-awal sempat nge-crash directx tiap 10 menitan, lalu lakukanlah repair directx dan microsoft visual c++ 2012 update 4 nya, uninstall clean semua driver amd, reinstall lagi omega driver, pake setting windowed fullscreen, lalu lancar dah mantap main hampir 3 jam tanpa crash tadi malam. no freeze, no crash, no lag

yang mengalami sama masalah silahkan coba saja terlebih dahulu repair gamenya atau reset terlebih dahulu setting grafis dragon age inquistion.

Cara yang ke-dua

Yang habis di patch g jalan coba aja di repair.

Semalam beres Patch270mb+17mb penasaran sama gameplaynya saya play dan memang ternyata malah tidak keluar apapun tapi di cek di task manager ada proces "DAI". sudah beberapa kali seperti gitu,
Oleh karena itu di coba di repair beres repair dan coba play bisa lalu di jalan lagi, cuman perasaan para gamers aja yah loading pas masuk menu awal menjadi tambah lama 

Click here! jika ingin tahu lebih banyak seputar game.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Cara menggunakan game pad pada dragon Age Inquistion

Cara menggunakan game pad pada dragon Age Inquistion - Tampaknya kurang seru jika para gamers dragon age bermain menggunakan dengan keyboard terutama keyboard kabel otomatis dekat layar dan bisa merusak mata, jika menggunakan gamepad tentunya kabelnya lebih panjang heheh apalagi yang wireless , oleh karena itu saya disini ingin membagikan tutorial cara menggunakan game pad pada dragon Age Inquistion yang dapat dari website luar negri.

Pertama Download file game pad pada dragon Age Inquistion :

Dragon Age Inquistion

Files are located at : click here

The "x360ce" being "".
The "64 bit libraries" being ""

1. Delete any trace of x360ce and all it's DLLS and files in DA:I folder (basically if you've been playing with it already).

2. Take x360ce to an empty folder, run it (this will create an .ini and xinput1_3.dll). Configure your gamepad now. Save. Exit. Now move x360ce.exe and x360ce.ini to DA:I folder. DO NOT OPEN x360ce.exe inside DA:I folder anymore!

3. Download the 64 bit libraries and copy x360ce.gdb, dinput8.dll, xinput1_3.dll to DA:I folder.

4. Open x360ce.gdb with notepad and add these lines:

Name = Dragon Age: Inquisition
HookMask= 0x00000002

Save. Exit.

5. Change "xinput1_3.dll" inside DA:I folder name to "xinput9_1_0.dll"

6. This last part may be unnecessary, but I did it, and it didn't hurt. Open up x360ce.ini and add these lines (if [InputHook] and the HookMode lines are already there, just add the third HookCOM line to it):

HookMode = 1
HookCOM = 1
7. Done.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Cara mengatasi Crash to Desktop/ Freeze dan menampilkan FPS pada Dragon Age Insquistion

Cara mengatasi Crash to Desktop/ Freeze dan menampilkan FPS pada Dragon Age Insquition
Mengatasi Crash to Desktop

Cara menampilkan FPS  pada Dragon Age Insquition

Anda tekan tombol ` (diatas tab, di samping 1) buat buka console
Lalu di console anda ketik : (tidak pake kutip)

"perfoverlay.drawfps 1"

Buat matiin, 1-nya di ganti 0

Cara Mengatasi Crash to Desktop ( Solution Fix )  pada Dragon Age Insquition

I believed that I love set this job since I tally played the fearless for 2 days without any clash.

I change reliable to umteen slipway to solves this problem at the introductory guess, it took me a bit of measure to completely rigid it. I fuck proved every suggestions specified as: update driver to the lasted variation, update directx, set visual C++, under protection video greeting, move the graphic... at several points I mentation I feature fast it but I can exclusive roleplay the brave for 30 min - 1 distance then the strategy disintegrate again during the gameplay or the cutscenes. Eventually, thanks to "The Creator" I soul successfully fast this directx error.

Here is how I feature through. (any of the steps may not be needed, but I allay recommand you to do all of them, it never painfulness to try and it can be done real speedily).
1) I went to C:\Users\Your-Username\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save and delete ProfileOptions_profile. (Don't worry, you will not loose any of your saves, This will set your game graphic low any reset any of your game setting to default such as :keyboard control, subtitles in game... you can switch these option back on later).

2) I went to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\directx\redist or to the location that you have installed the game, then open DXSETUP and install directx (If you press install and it say that your computer has already install it or anything similar to that, then you should be fine).

3) I download and installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 ,Then reset your computer. (If you have already installed, uninstall it then reinstall again, Note that uninstall any Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 versions then only install 1 that fit your computer x64 or x84.)

4) I disable Origin in Game, you can find this under Origin / Application setting / Origin In Game (this may not be necessary, but it will help to reduce the game lag).

5) lauch your game then go to game option / display then switch to Windowed Fullscreen, also go to graphic to double check and make sure that Abient Occlusion has turn off. Then quit the game (because your setting will applied the next time your start the game).

Notes 1: whatever of the feeling I score not reassert that whether you can endeavor your on any mellow written surroundings, I port't try this since I'm not authority that my machine is that forceful to open it anyway, I playacting at low mounting, the gamey run very slick no lag or hurtle, the illustration is real moral as symptomless. If you machine are fresh, spiel the gritty for 2-3 hours or modify mortal maybe, see whether the problem has unmoving for your. Then try to go on what e'er graphical as you similar, I'm trustworthy the spirited module aspect regularize surpass. But refer to drama on Windowed Fullscreen and rotation off the Abient Clot in lifelike stage.

Notes 2: as I honor that my computer is old, it is not tough sufficiency to give lycee pictorial game, so if I can fix this job, you can as healed!

Catatan dari admin :

Intinya Instal Vcredist 2012 Linya yg diatas (  Jika tidak Tau bahasa Inggris heheh )
Jika masih crash setelah beberapa langkah diatas dilakukan dan di coba. cobalah terlebih dahulu uninstall clean/all driver amd/nvidia, lalu install driver versi lama saja, siapa tau bisa jadi alternatif, dan langkah terakhir coba repair game (khusus untuk original).

Sekarang pelanggan ane tidak mengalami nya lagi  sama sekali, sudah tidak ada crash/freeze lagi, main 4-5 jam tanpa crash pun lancar jaya. semenjak di instal patch 2 ini dia bisa menaikan beberapa setting ke medium/high, yang semulanya low semua


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