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Monday, April 11, 2016

Midnight call: Geronimo - previewing

Tutorial and Sharing Game PC - Midnight call: Geronimo - previewing

sister is dying of a mysterious disease. Gather your courage and enter the magical forest terrifying evil to find the necessary ingredients to save your sister in the middle of the night call: Geronimo Collectors Edition

start the journey from the beginning? Midnight call: Annabelle and play free to play an exciting game Castle midnight free

[19459006?!] Do not hesitate to? Join us on Facebook ? To find out all the latest news about this game and other upcoming games!

Midnight call: Geronimo - previewing Tutorial and Sharing Game PC - Midnight call: Geronimo - previewing

Tips meningkatkan FPS pada game PC ( VGA )

okegamers2 - Tips meningkatkan FPS pada game PC ( VGA )Di saat anda bermain game, salah satu faktor yang memepengaruhi performance kelancaran suatu game yaitu “FPS”. Apa itu FPS ?, FPS adalah merupakan perpanjangan dari “Frame Per Second”. Maksud dari FPS itu adalah jumlah gambar yang diperoleh per satu detik. Jika pada angka FPS semakin besar, maka game tersebut berkemungkinan tidak mengalami lag dan jika angkanya semakin kecil maka akan mengalami kejadian lag. Berikut tutorial tips untuk meningkatkan FPS. MDari beberapa settingan, hal cara efektif untuk meningkatkan FPS adalah dari segi graphic card (VGA) dan juga perangkat pada komputer yang mendukung seperti memory grafiknya. Pada komputer, terdapat satu elemen yang sangat berpengaruh, yaitu sistem operasi “[ WINDOWS ]”. Windows sangat berpengaruh pada grafik komputer yang anda jalankan, dari semua windows yang telah release ada, windows yang paling mensupport dengan permainan game saat ini adalahyaitu Windows 7 dan 8. 

Tips meningkatkan FPS pada game PC ( VGA )

Cara mengatasi VGA tidak terdeteksi oleh PES 2016

Sedangkan OS yang baru release Windows 10 kurang mensuport grafik pada komputer, bahkan banyak grafik yang tidak dapat menjalankan sistem pada Windows 10 karena masih dalam tahap penyesuaian para pengembang game. Oleh karena itu saat sementara ini disarankan agar tidak memakai windows 10. Hal yang kedua harus diperhatikan juga adalah VGA (Video Graphics Adapter). Baisanya yang mahal harga VGA, maka akan semakin mantap dan semakin meningkat FPS-nya sudah jelas. Hal yang ketiga adalah option atau settingan grafik didalam gamenya. Sesuai dengan system requirements yang ada, jangalah jauh tertinggal dengan system requirements yang telah di tentukan pada setiap game. Jadi, anda melakukan settingan grafik, sesuaikanlah secukupnya dan ketentuannya, tidak boleh berlebihan dan juga perhatikan kemampuan VGA nya. Hal yang terakhir yang harus diperhatikan adalah outputnya seperti slot penghunbung dan kabel yang mendukung grafik. Saat membeli VGA, pasti terdapat kabel gratis dari VGA-nya, sebaiknya ganti kabel tersebut dengan kabel yang baru dan yang harganya kisaran 90.000 – 200.000 untuk menjaga kestabilan listrik. Dengan digantinya kabel, akan mempercepat perpindahan data dan otomatis akan mempercepat FPS. Semua itulah hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan supaya FPS pada komputer makin tinggi. Silahkan berkomentar jika ada pertanyaan.

: How to change the language in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja STORM 4

Sharing Game PC Tutorial - : How to change the language in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja STORM 4

Change language in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 is now available on Steam for PC personal and when you load up the game, there is no option from the main menu to change the language settings. You may be able to solve this problem by following the steps in this guide.

how to change the language in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4

out of steam, go to the game library and your right-click on Naruto Shippuden: at the end of ultimate Ninja STORM 4 from the left sidebar. Select properties and select the tab language . After, select English as the language you want to play the game in

Of course, you can choose the language you prefer to play the game in the drop-down menu.

In addition, you should also try to change the settings to English translator.

for those who put their English but still see the Chinese :

This seems to be a problem affecting some Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 PC gamers. Bandai Namco must ultimately make the patch available for those who are affected by this problem of setting translator settings to the English language does not work.

function how to change the language in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 debuted in PCG Pedja

.: How to change the language in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 Sharing Game PC Tutorial - : How to change the language in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja STORM 4

Sunday, April 10, 2016

How to make the unit work with x360ce control Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

Sharing Game PC Tutorial - How to make the unit work with x360ce control Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

Getting x360ce controller to work with Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

If you use the control emulation x360ce to use the Xbox 360 console and controllers your on your computer and want to make it work with Naruto Shippuden: ultimate Ninja storm 4 on steam / PC, please follow the simple steps of this guide below

how to make x360ce work program with Naruto Shippuden: ultimate Ninja storm 4

after setting x360ce control emulation files on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. to return to Steam (folder Right right above the "steam", select "properties" and "open file location").
  2. open "steamapps" folder, followed by common and Volume 4 Ultimate Ninja Storm.
  3. Rename the file xinput1_3.dll to xinput9_1_0.dll

That's it, you're done.

make sure you put the files x360ce controllers in the same location as the game executable file (EXE file) according to the instructions for setting it up.

to control the work, your computer must pass the following system requirements:

  • Windows Vista or later.
  • . NET 3.5 (including 2.0 and 3.0) - included in Windows 7.
    in Windows 8 and 10: Control Panel> Programs and Features> Turn Windows or off> Enable ".NET Framework 3.5 features (including 2.0 and 3.0)"
  • .
  • . NET 4.6 (including 4.0) - included in Windows 8 and 10.
  • DirectX end-user runtime (June 2010) - is required regardless of the operating system. . NET must be installed before the update DirectX.
  • Visual C ++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 - For x64-both x86 install and x64 redistributables systems
  • .

, it is likely your computer is already going through these requirements if it works Naruto Shippuden: ultimate Ninja storm 4 on your gaming device

function how to make the unit x360ce work controller with Naruto Shippuden: ultimate Ninja storm 4 first appeared on the PCG Pedja

.How to make the unit work with x360ce control Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Sharing Game PC Tutorial - How to make the unit work with x360ce control Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Secrets whispered: Everburning candle - a preview

Tutorial and Sharing Game PC - Secrets whispered: Everburning candle - a preview

novelty studios, another exciting installment in the acclaimed whispered comes Series secrets. You can solve the mystery behind the burning asylum?

feel free? Join us on Facebook ? To find out all the latest news about this game and other upcoming games!

Secrets whispered: Everburning candle - a preview Tutorial and Sharing Game PC - Secrets whispered: Everburning candle - a preview

Identify Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 crash errors (Steam / PC)

Sharing Game PC Tutorial - Identify Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 crash errors (Steam / PC)

Naruto and Tobi Headbutt Crash

If you are experiencing crashes or errors when you launch Naruto play Shippuden: ultimate Ninja storm 4 on your PC through steam, please follow the instructions below to help solve the problem


determine Naruto Shippuden: ultimate Ninja storm 4 crash errors (steam / PC)

operating system Windows 10 users that suffer from crashes every 10-15 minutes errors

services.msc run and disable "keyboard touch panel hand-writing service. "

Make sure you are using the GPU instead of the Intel HD graphics

Make sure that you are using your GPU when playing the game instead of the integrated your computer graphics. For example, from the control panel of your Nvidia, you can find your favorite graphics processor and be sure to select "high-performance NVIDIA processor."

Enable VSYNC

  1. Right-click the mouse on the desktop of your computer and choose Control Panel NVIDIA.
  2. from the left sidebar, select managing 3D settings .
  3. from the Global Settings tab, and find simultaneous vertical and above it.
  4. You should notice the clickable drop-down menu on the right. Enable it.
  5. Press application button to save the changes.

Enabling Vsync on Windows 7/8/10 from Nvidia control panel

change the decision

go to Steam (folder, right-click the steam icon, select "Properties" and open location of the file) and go to Naruto Shippuden: 4 folder eventually Ninja storm (steamapps -> General -> Naruto Shippuden game folder).

must find config.ini View in the folder eventually Ninja Storm 4. There, you can modify the resolution to make sure that it is the monitor supports a resolution or you can cut more than that to see whether the game performs better.

function Naruto Shippuden determine: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 crash errors (Steam / PC) first appeared in the PCG Pedja

Identify Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 crash errors (Steam / PC) Sharing Game PC Tutorial - Identify Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 crash errors (Steam / PC)

Pre review Quantum Break | Time Is Power | PC Confirmed April 5 2016 - Quantum Break is set at and around Riverport University, a fictional university set in the Northeastern Suprasegmental States, where a term direction enquiry has expended wrongheaded.[14] The event not only causes measure to start breaking strike, but also grants the two primary characters-Jack Author and Saul Serene-different time-based abilities. For representation, Tranquil, the water soul, can see into the subsequent to settle which choices to make in the inform;[15] patch Joyce, one of the two protagonists, can prevent dimension. Writer and Writer are pursued by Monarch Solutions, a house supported by Peaceful.[16]

Pre review Quantum Break | Time Is Power | PC Confirmed April 5 2016

Tutorial setting Gamepad abal-abal untuk Naruto Strom 4
Tutorial mengatasi error NB2K16 dan Freeze

Pre review Quantum Break | Time Is Power | PC Confirmed April 5 2016

Pre review Quantum Break | Time Is Power | PC Confirmed April 5 2016

Pre review Quantum Break | Time Is Power | PC Confirmed April 5 2016

Minimum Requirements
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
DirectX: DirectX 12
CPU: Intel Core i5-4460, 2.70GHz atau AMD FX-6300
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 atau AMD Radeon R7 260x
HDD: 55 GB Available Space

Recommended Requirements:
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
DirectX: DirectX 12
CPU: Intel Core i5 4690, 3.9GHz or AMD equivalent
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 390
RAM: 16 GB
HDD: 55 GB Available Space

OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
DirectX: DirectX 12
CPU: Intel Core i7 4790, 4GHz or AMD equivalent
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti or AMD Radeon R9 Fury X
RAM: 16 GB
HDD: 55 GB Available Space


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