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Friday, October 17, 2014

Game - game yang berspesifikasi mid-end tetapi mempunyai grafik bagus

From Buriyani gamefaq.comQuote:Ini spek PC ane gan, sebenernya ini mungkin spek mid-end yg cenderung ke low-end. 
VGA Card: Nvidia GT220
Procie: Intel Pentium G2010 2.8 Ghz
OS: Windows 7 32 Bit

NB: ane main game-game ini TANPA software kaya Gamebooster, 3D Anayzer, dll. Ane cuma ubah settingan grafis di game-nya kaya disable anti-aliasing, set medium, dll. Yang pasti bukan di set low.

Oke, langsung aja ane list yaa. Game-game ini ane kategorikan sebagai "game bergrafis indah yg performance-nya mulus di PC mid-end":

8. Call of Duty

Quote:Game FPS sejuta umat ini emang terkenal ringan-ringan gan. Cocok buat agan yang punya spek PC mid-end. Setelah CoD 4 (Modern Warfare 1) dirilis di tahun 2007, banyak orang kagum dengan kualitas grafis-nya yang bisa dibilang di atas rata-rata game lain di tahun itu. Gak heran fans game ini ada dimana-mana (walaupun ada haters-nya juga). Mungkin agan sendiri udah hafal luar dalem game ini. Favorit ane sih Black Ops 1, favorit agan yang mana? 

7. Max Payne 3

Quote:Baru akhir-akhir ini ane main Max Payne 3 (rekomendasi dari agan KnightKids77). Jangan kaget dulu gan liat space yg dibutuhin game ini yang sampai 28 GB. Game ini ringan kok. Max Payne 3 ini cinematic bgt gan. Saking cinematic-nya, kadang ane ngerasa nonton film sambil main game, hehe. Ane saranin buat nikmatin cutscene-nya (karena gak bisa di-skip ). Bagian favorit ane adalah saat kita nembak musuh dengan slow-motion. Nice.

6. Battlefield 2: Bad Company

Quote:Game bergenre FPS ini punya kualitas grafis yang cukup bagus. Untuk gameplay-nya mungkin gak jauh beda sama game2 FPS lain. Grafisnya lumayan oke dan gak terlalu berat buat PC agan yang punya spek mid-end atau cenderung low-end kaya ane, hehe. Patut dicoba gan!

5. Batman Arkham Asylum

Quote:Ane bukan fans Batman, tapi ane suka bgt sama game ini. Ane gak terlalu paham sih genrenya, mungkin kombinasi dari action & sandbox. Game ini emang gak memerlukan system requirements yang tinggi, tapi grafis gamenya detail dan bagus bgt. Gameplaynya juga asik bgt. Mode stealth-nya asik, berantemnya juga asik. Agan bisa ngehajar musuh dengan gadget2 canggih dan gerakan ‘”silat” Batman yg keren abis. Dua jempol!

4. Just Cause 2

Quote:Awalnya ane agak menyangsikan game ini gan, maklum Just Cause yg pertama kurang begitu populer. Tapi pandangan ane berubah setelah coba main game ini. Grafisnya bagus banget gan. Gameplay-nya juga oke. Game bergenre Open World ini bener2 full action, agan bisa naik & terjun dari pesawat, manjat & gelantungan di gedung, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan yg lebih menarik lagi, nama-nama karakter, tempat, & kotanya sangat familiar gan, ada Gunung Dataran Tinggi, Gunung Gila Pangkat, dll. Aksen Melayu dari para dubber juga kerasa kental bgt

3. Mass Effect 2 & 3 (ME 2 & 3)

Quote:Game yang dikembangin Bioware ini punya kualitas grafis keren gan dan yang penting bisa working well di mid-end PC. Game ini multigenre, kombinasi dari third person shooter dan RPG, inilah yg bikin menarik. Dari segi storyline, ME 2 lah yang terbaik, cerita dan karakter2nya mantep bgt gan. Tapi dari segi grafis, ME 3 menurut ane yg terbaik. Grafisnya cukup detail dan berjalan mulus di PC ane. Mass Effect pokonya seru bgt gan. Apa yg agan lakuin saat main, bisa mempengaruhi jalan cerita, bahkan ending ceritanya. Cool!

2. Mafia 2

Quote:Buat agan2 pengggemar game sandbox/open world, game ini sangat ane rekomendasiin. Walaupun spek PC agan gak tinggi, tapi game ini bisa berjalan mulus dengan kualitas grafis yg mantep! Wajah orang2nya sampe keliatan sampe ke pori2nya, hehe. Gesture karakter dan penggambaran lingkungan kotanya bener2 keren parah. Bahkan menurut ane, game ini gameplaynya lebih asik dan jauh lebih realistis daripada GTA IV. Di game ini, agan bisa menjelajahi kota2 di Amrik di tahun 1940an. Sadis deh Mafia 2!

1. Crysis 2

Quote:Inilah game yang bikin ane tercengang dengan grafisnya yang indah. Ane gak nyangka game ini bisa working well di PC ane, soalnya pas ane mau main ada peringatan kalo VGA Card ane gak kompatibel. Tapi setelah ane coba ternyata mulus gan. Entah bagaimana sang developer, Crytek dengan CryEngine 3 nya mengoptimasi “mesin”-nya, yang pasti game ini bisa smooth bgt dan grafisnya indah & detail! Menurut ane Crysis 2 ini grafis dan gameplaynya lebih baik dari Crysis 1. Walaupun agak linear, tapi overall game ini recommended bgt buat pecinta game grafis indah yang mentok sama spek PC. Puas bgt pokonya gan!

Ketauan deh ane penggemar game FPS, action, & open world  . Selain game-game di atas, ada beberapa game bergrafis keren buat PC mid-end. Tapi, in my opinion, 5 game yg udah ane sebutin tadi adalah yg terbaik. Ini list game lainnya gan:
Quote:- Call of Duty Modern Warfare series (FPS)
- Call of Duty Black Ops 1 (FPS)
- Assassin’s Creed 1 & 2 beserta sekuel2nya (action/open world)
- Portal 2 (FPS-Puzzle)
- Crysis 1 (FPS)
- FarCry 2 (FPS-Open World)
- Medal of Honor 2010 (FPS)
- Godfather 2 (action/open world)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cara mengatasi Resident Evil Operation City yang Crash ke Desktop win 8

  1. Instal Game terlebih Dahulu
  2. Update VGA
  3. instal directX dan vcredist 2008 - 2010
  4. copy crack
  5. klik run administrator
  6. matikan widows defender

jika belum jalan copy xlive.dll ,bisa download link dibawah ini

klik kanan pada aplication .exe nya
pilih compatibility ke win 7 atau win XP sp3

Cara mengatasi agar bisa save offline, buat create local profile
Setelah masuk game,

Tekan Tombol "HOME" pada keyboard, nanti akan muncul "Games For Windows Live"

"Create New Profile"

(Jangan Klik Continue)

Scroll ke paling bawah jika ada banyak tulisan,

Klik pada tulisan yang digarisbawahi "create a local profile"

Tulis Nama Anda, misal : "Player1" --> Submit --> Done --> Close

berikut link videonya biar jelas :

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Play MultiPlayer Company of Heroes 2 memakai versi pak Tani

Network:Company of Heroes 2


IMPORTANT: Create a new Steam Account with a new Email address!
  1. Install Company of Heroes 2
  2. Download and Install Update
  3. Download the latest MP-Fix and extract it to your Game Installfolder
  4. Download and Install Steam Client
  5. (Optional) Download latest GreenLuma and extract it to your Steam InstallFolder
  6. Join the Company of Heroes 2 Network
  7. Start Steam or Greenluma and Login
  8. (Optional) Join the Steam Community Group
  9. Start the Game with RelicCoH2.exe (As Administrator)
  10. Go to Online & Skirmish -> Custom Game and Invite friends
  11. Have Fun



  • You dont gain xp with this Fix, only badges. This may change in the future
  • Your Nickname is your Steam-Account Name
  • Language is set in steam_api.ini (+ locale.ini)
  • With the MP-Fix you change your Game to Collectors Edition (all 26 DLCc unlocked!) but if you play with CE stuff, you will get Version missmatch with players. So as for know, better do not use them.
  • If you need to enable friendlist, get one of the million free Dota2 invites and redeem the key in steam

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cara mengatasi Lag pada saat main FIFA 14 di AMD/ATI

finally setelah nubie utak atik nyari settingan terbaik supaya main agak lancar ketemu juga,terutama buat pengguna vga ati/amd,kemungkinan emang belum dioptimized driver nya sama amd

dan akhirnya nemu info dari fifa-infinity nih gan sekalian ane mau share settingan ane untuk agan agan pengguna kubu merah : 

- Download  RadeonPro

- Kalau sudah dibuka radeonpronya,terus bikin profile baru dan ikuti step step berikut :



-the last

tadinya ane sampe hopeless ngelag ngelag padahal udah settingan very low,semua disetting ke performance,AA off,dll ,sekarang alhamdulillah encer geraknya walaupun kadang kadang suka stuttering dikit,maklum lah pc jadul 

btw screenshot menyusul ini soalnya kalo di printsreen malah item gambarnya  

btw spek pc jadul ane : 
-Core2Duo E4400
-VGA Sapphire Ati Radeon HD 5750 X-Vapor
-ati catalyst 13.8

config sekarang ane setting di medium ,msaa x2 ,fps dilock 60fps stabil gan gak pernah drop under 60

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Siapkan Hardisk 55GB untuk Final Fantasy 13

from shin4ever

Spoiler for HISTORY
Final Fantasy XIII (ファイナルファンタジーXIII Fainaru Fantajī Sātīn?) is a console role-playing video game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and later for Microsoft Windows. Released in Japan in December 2009 and worldwide in March 2010, it is the thirteenth major installment in the Final Fantasy series. The game includes fast-paced combat, a new system for the series for determining which abilities are developed for the characters called "Crystarium", and a customizable "Paradigm" system to control which abilities are used by the characters. Final Fantasy XIII includes elements from the previous games in the series, such as summoned monsters, chocobos, and airships.

The game takes place in the fictional floating world of Cocoon, whose government, the Sanctum, is ordering a purge of civilians who have supposedly come into contact with Pulse, the much-feared world below. The former soldier Lightning begins her fight against the government in order to save her sister who has been branded as an unwilling servant to a god-like being from Pulse, making her an enemy of Cocoon. Lightning is soon joined by a band of allies, and together the group also become marked by the same Pulse creature. They rally against the Sanctum while trying to discover their assigned task and whether they can avoid being turned into monsters or crystals at the completion.

Development began in 2004 and the game was first announced at Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2006. Final Fantasy XIII is the flagship title of the Fabula Nova Crystallis collection of Final Fantasy games and is the first game to use Square Enix's Crystal Tools engine. Final Fantasy XIII received mostly positive reviews from video game publications, which praised the game's graphics, presentation, and battle system. The game's story received a mixed response from reviewers, and its linearity compared to previous games in the series was mostly criticized. Selling 1.7 million copies in Japan in 2009, Final Fantasy XIII became the fastest-selling title in the history of the series. As of January 2013, the game has shipped 6.6 million copies worldwide.[3] A sequel titled Final Fantasy XIII-2 was released in December 2011 in Japan and in February 2012 in North America and PAL regions. A second sequel, titled Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, which concludes Lightning's story and the Final Fantasy XIII saga,[4] was released in November 2013 in Japan and in February 2014 in North America and PAL regions.

Quote:Industri game begitu terkejut ketika Square Enix di masa lalu, memutuskan untuk membawa game RPG andalan mereka yang selama ini diasosiasikan sebagai franchise eksklusif milik Sony ke sang konsol kompetitor – Microsoft. Gamer Xbox 360 mana yang tidak gembira ketika Final Fantasy XIII dipastikan akan meluncur ke platform mereka, walaupun dengan konten yang harus dipecah ke dalam beberapa disc terpisah. Percaya atau tidak, hal inilah yang sekarang akan dirasakan oleh gamer PC di seluruh dunia. Setelah sempat menyebar sekedar sebagai rumor, Square Enix akhirnya mengkonfirmasikan rilis Final Fantasy XIII untuk PC!

Tidak tanggung-tanggung, mereka langsung melemparkan Final Fantasy XIII ke portal distribusi game digital – Steam dengan harga yang cukup bersahabat, apalagi dengan konversi Rupiah yang kita dapatkan sebelumnya. Square Enix memastikan akan membawa trilogi seri Final Fantasy XIII: XIII, XIII-2, dan Lightning Returns: FF XIII, walaupun tidak akan dirilis secara berbarengan. Final Fantasy XIII PC akan meluncur terlebih dahulu, tanggal 9 Oktober 2014. Benar sekali, bulan depan! Sementara Final Fantasy XIII-2 dan LR: FF XIII akan menyusul setelahnya. Walaupun belum ada tanggal rilis pasti, namun mereka menjanjikan bahwa port ketiga trilogi ini akan sudah rampung sebelum musim semi 2015 mendatang.

Trilogi FF XIII akhirnya mampir di PC, dengan seri pertama meluncur 9 Oktober 2014 mendatang.
Sayangnya, rilis ini sama sekali tidak membawa embel HD Remaster atau sejenisnya, seperti proyek-proyek serupa yang bertebaran beberapa bulan terakhir ini. Square Enix juga tidak menjelaskan seperti apa resolusi, fitur ekstra, framerate, atau bahkan perbedaan yang mungkin atau tidak mungkin Anda dapatkan di Final Fantasy XIII versi PC ini. Satu yang pasti, spesifikasi yang dibutuhkan akhirnya meluncur. Tertarik? Pastikan terlebih dahulu rig Anda mampu menanganinya:

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows® XP SP2 or later
Processor: 2GHz Dual Core CPU
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA® Geforce® 8 Series/ ATI Radeon™ HD 2000 series VRAM 256MB or later
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
Sound Card: Sound card compatible with DirectX® 9.0c
Recommended Requirements:
OS: Windows® Vista/ 7/ 8
Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Quad (2.66 GHz)/ AMD Phenom™ II X4 (2.8 GHz) processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA® Geforce® GTX™ 460/ ATI Radeon™ HD 5870
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
XIII now, XV next? Fingers crossed!


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Review GRID Autosport From Mc_trane

We’re very pleased today to announce GRID Autosport, the next game in the GRID series and descendant of TOCA Touring Cars.

Quote:Developer: Codemasters Racing
Publisher: Codemasters, Namco Bandai
Genre: Racing
Release: 24-27 June 2014

GRID Autosport aims to move the series back in line as a more authentic racing game and below you’ll be finding out some of the ways we’ll be doing that. Hopefully, you’ll be seeing plenty of news, shiny screenshots and video on your favourite websites and in magazines on our announcement, but we thought it’d be a good time to talk directly to you about what the game is, why we’ve done it and the direction we’re headed in. Particularly as this game is, at its heart, inspired by you guys, our core community.

On release of GRID 2, I think it’s fair to say that through listening to you guys and a after a substantial amount of reflection, we hadn’t quite achieved everything we set out to do. We’re proud of the game, really delighted with some of the great reviews for it, but we’re not above admitting that we made a few decisions that perhaps we shouldn’t have, and perhaps moved some of the aspects of the game too far away from our core fanbase. 

When you’re making games, you always have to make choices – which features to include, what emphasis to put on various aspects of gameplay – even if we had unlimited resources (we don’t by the way!) there’s always people who are going to be disappointed. And we’re obviously aware, that some of you were. We’re not ok with that.

So, following the release of GRID 2 we were determined to improve things where we could. The Community Patch we released was derived nearly entirely from our most active players’ feedback and the release of the Demolition Derby DLC for free was something you guys put on our agenda. We think both improved the game, and whilst we would like to do more, there is only so much you can achieve with patches.

But we hope that it signals a pivot which we’re taking at Codemasters, to cater more closely to our core fanbase, to be responsive where we can and hopefully reassure you that when you talk to us, we do listen, even if we cannot act on everything you’d like.

To GRID Autosport then. While we were patching GRID 2 and releasing new content, we were busy gathering feedback. We devoured the comment threads under articles about GRID 2 on gaming websites, took stock of our reviews, and of course, digested all the comments on our social channels and forums where we received direct feedback. It’s this feedback that helped create GRID Autosport.

If GRID 2 raced off into a more narrative-led world of racing with more accessible controls, it’s clear that for many of you, that wasn’t what you wanted or expected from GRID 2. So with GRID Autosport we had the opportunity to make a much more focussed motorsport game, a desire that many of you have expressed directly to us, and a game that in spirit goes back to some of our earlier titles in terms of content and handling.

Let’s dive in shall we?

The Handling

As ever, our handling model has had a lot of effort put into it and you’ll really notice the difference, we think, from GRID 2. For GRID Autosport we’ve gone back to a more authentic handling style. It’s definitely not a full simulation – we want it to be authentic, not clinical – but it’s more towards that end of the spectrum than before. If anything, we believe the handling is actually one or two steps further towards simulation than Race Driver: GRID, to give you an idea.

Each car has been tuned and adjusted to really give a sense of its personality so they will act and behave differently from one another, as they would in real life. This is especially noticeable across disciplines. Pick up a WTCC spec Touring Car and it’ll feel completely different to a Formula 3 car for instance. The goal has been to replicate an authentic feeling of what it’s like to race each of these cars in the games as if you were out on the track yourself.

We’ll be talking more about the handling and how we created it in the coming weeks, including how you, our Community helped shape it in ways that you may not yet know.

The Racing Disciplines

You’ll be hearing us talk about disciplines a lot as they make up another of the core foundations of the game. Disciplines are various types of motorsport, of which there are five within GRID Autosport, each with its own unique style and feeling. There’s a vast difference in the way a Touring Car race unfolds compared to that of an Endurance race. Each discipline requires a different approach, strategy and comes complete with its own style of racing.

For instance, in Touring Cars it’s all about aggressive pack racing. You’ll have to manage tyre wear and race into the night in Endurance competitions but look to race smoothly and with precision in our Open-Wheel races. Street Races are about reacting on the fly on claustrophobic streets through cities with unpredictable changes in elevations and drift cars are all about demonstrating your car control. To become an all-around driver, you’ll develop a broad set of skills.

Each discipline has a number of dedicated series within them; ranging from Touring Cars, GT, Single-Seaters, Muscle Cars, Drift, Supercars, Hypercars, Time Attack, Prototypes and many, many more. You don’t just get five broad experiences, but also different racing experiences within those styles.

We’ll be going into more detail of each discipline between now and launch, starting next week with our in depth look at the Touring Discipline.

The Locations

You will have noticed the likes of Hockenheim, Sepang, San Francisco, Jarama and Yas Marina within our announcement video but that’s far from the complete roster, there’s plenty more to come.

GRID: Autosport will feature 22 locations with a combined route list that totals over 100!

While we will have a selection of great city based locations it’s the circuits that make up the bulk of the roster and there’s a great variety on offer.

From the iconic to the old favourites, the ones classed as legendary and of course some new faces as well. In fact, there are more circuits in GRID: Autosport than there are in Race Driver: GRID and GRID 2 combined.

The Career

The single player career in GRID Autosport will allow you to become a professional racing driver. As you make progress you’ll be able to join and switch teams, fulfil sponsor demands and beat rivals.

Racing with a teammate is back and at your request he/she will now attack the cars ahead or defend their position. All this is handled by a simple button press on the controller and it’s a feature that will also allow you to request information from your team engineer.

The career is open and this means that you’ll only ever have to compete in the racing disciplines that you want to. If you’re a Touring Car fanatic then by all means find a home within the Touring section, and never leave. If you love the precision of Open Wheel racing and also enjoy the odd bit of Endurance then you can happily bounce between the two.

The choice is entirely yours to make – choose your favourite style of racing or master them all.

The Racing Experience

When you take an authentic handling model, a great selection of cars and a variety of racing disciplines, it still needs the racing experience to hold them all together and in GRID Autosport your racing experience revolves around the paddock.

This is the menu you’ll find yourself in before a race and it’s from here that you’ll be presented with a number of pre-race options, such as practice and qualifying.

If you find yourself racing on an unfamiliar circuit or route then simply head into practice and spend some time on the track. After practice you can jump into qualifying where, as you’d expect, you’ll be able to set your fastest time with the aim of starting higher up the grid come race day.

Much like the career, the choice is entirely yours. If you want to have a practice session and jump straight into a race then great. If you want to give practice a miss and just do qualifying then that option is also entirely possible, as is skipping straight into the race itself should you so desire.

The paddock will also allow you to tune your car before the race. Tuneable components include: brake bias, differential, downforce, gears, ride height and suspension at both the front and back. All of the cars in the game run great as ‘stock’ but the option to tune is there should you wish to get the car handling to your own preference.


Powered by RaceNet you’ll be able to join with friends to form Racing Clubs and race under team colours against other clubs in the community. Receive new challenges every week with the new and evolved Discipline Challenge, track your stats including your complete vehicle history and climb weekly and persistent leaderboards.

We’ve got a series of features planned for the coming weeks, all of which dive deep into the multiplayer of GRID Autosport so be sure to keep your eye out for those!

Driven by Community Feedback

While we were patching GRID 2 and releasing new content we were also busy gathering feedback. We listened to everyone who had an opinion on not just GRID 2 but our older games as well. This feedback was digested and ultimately it played a huge part in the early development of GRID Autosport.

The authentic handling model has been shaped by Community feedback but we haven’t just stopped there. Cockpit view makes a return, and with it a dashboard view too, yes, GRID Autosport will ship with two in-car cameras.


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