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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Cara setting COD ghost pada DirectX 10

Bagaimana cara agar Call of Duty: Ghosts berjalan di Directx10 graphic card

Cara setting COD ghost pada DirectX 10 - Banyak yang memberikan informasi bahwa memang COD ini sebaiknya berjalan pada directx11, namun bagi anda yang hanya bisa menjalankan directx 10 jangan khawatir beberapa forum luar banyak yang memberikan trik cara mengatasinya yaitu Cara setting COD ghost pada DirectX 10 , sehingga anda bisa merasakan game yang full grafik yang sangat mantap dan terlihat real ini.

Cara setting COD ghost pada DirectX 10

Baca Juga :
Cara membuat GTA IV Smooth dan tidak ada Texture pop-in
Cara mengatasi Fix Origin is currently not running di The sims 4

Seperti yg kita ketahui, Call of Duty: Ghost hanya bisa berjalan pada Directx11 graphic card, tetapi ada sedikit trik untuk membuat game berjalan di directx10 graphic card, tetapi dengan framerate/ fps yg sangat rendah, antara 1-3 FPS per detik (sama saja tidak bisa buat maen ni hehe). Tapi siapa tau agan mau mencobanya, ini caranya:

1. Download and instal Windows SDK for Windows 8 (bisa juga buat yg pake windows 7)

2. Setelah menginstal SDK, masuk ke folder windows system32 ( C:\Windows\System32 ), find and run dxcpl.exe

3. In the "Scope" section of the window, click on the "Edit List..." button and enter the location of your Call Of Duty : Ghosts executable ( iw6sp64_ship.exe ), then press the "Add" button and the "Ok" button

4. In the "Device Settings" section of the window, set the "Feature level limit" to "11_0" and be sure to check "Force WARP"

5. Klik Aplly/OK dan selesai. Sekarang kamu bisa mulai gamenya, tetapi kemungkinan tidak bisa buat maen, ini karena SUPER ULTRA LOW FRAMERATE hehehe

Other Information:
1.1 You can install Windows SDK for Windows 8 without .NET Framework 4.5. If you have .NET Framework 4.0 that will do just fine.
1.2 I've let all the main features to install.
5.1 If you have less then 6GB RAM, be sure to install the RAM Fix / Memory Fix patch, to be able to start the game with less than 6GB RAM.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Cara membuat GTA IV Smooth dan tidak ada Texture pop-in

Tutorial ini dari agan hazeed

Minimum Sytem Requirements GTA IV :
CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHz
CPU Speed : 1.8 GHz
RAM : 1 GB for Windows XP / 1.5 GB for Windows Vista)
OS : Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3 / Windows 7
Video Card : 256MB NVIDIA 7900+ / 256MB ATI X1900+
Sound Card : Yes
Free Disk Space : 16 GB

Pastikan setting in-game nya dah low semua, res 800x600 dahulu, no vsync, kalo ada yg bisa di off, bikin off dulu biar mantap.. Viem distance nya 45-60 + Detail distance 70-80 + Vechile density 5-15, aspect ratio nya bikin auto

Pakai CommandLine

ini cara paling efektif buat ngurangin lag/patah patah/dll.. cara nya?
Untuk pengguna GTA IV on Steam
-Buka Library Game
-Klik kanan pada GTA IV nya > properties > Set launch options
-Atur sendiri deh
Untuk pengguna GTA IV non-steam
-Buka file lokasi GTA IV tersebut biasanya di C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV
-Buat file .txt dengan nama CommandLine
-buka file tersebut dan atur sendiri setting nya

Agan bisa kasih settingan sendiri pake code dibawah nih, untuk FAQ cek paling bawah ya gan

==== [ Global ] ====
-adapter: Use the specified screen adapter number <zero-based>
-disableimposters: Turn of the imposter rendering for vehicles
-noBlockOnLostFocus: Don't block the window update when it loses focus.

==== [AUDIO] ====
-fullspecaudio: Force high-end CPU audio footprint
-minspecaudio: Force low-end CPU audio footprint

==== [GLOBAL] ====
-benchmark: Determines if we run the benchmark immediately
-safemode: Sets graphics setting to lowest setting

==== [GRAPHICS] ====
-forcehighqualitymirrors: Enable 64 bit mirrors
-forcer2vb: force r2vb
-frameLimit: number of frames to limit game to
-framelockinwindow: Force framelock to work even in a window <works best with 60Hz monitor refresh>
-fullscreen: Force fullscreen mode
-gpucount: Lets you manually set the GPU count if query fails
-height: Set height of main render window <default is 480>
-managed: Use D3D runtime managed resources
-nominimize: Disables the ability to restore the game from minimize and changing resolutions - Reduces System Memory Footprint
-norestrictions: Do not limit graphics settings
-noswapdelay: Disable sleep delay before Present <disable fix for hard Present stalls>
-novblank: Disable wait for vblank
-refreshrate: Set refresh rate of main render window
-stereo: Set game to support stereo rendering mode
-unmanaged: Use application managed resources
-width: Set width of main render window <default is 640>
-windowed: Force windowed mode

==== [INPUT] ====
-usedirectinput: Allow DirectInput alongside XInput support.

==== [MEMORY] ====
-availablevidmem: Percentage of available video memory
-memrestrict: Set the restriction the amount of available memory for managed resources
-no_3GB: Disable 32bit OS with /3GB
-nomemrestrict: Do not restrict the amount of available memory for managed resources
-noprecache: Do not precache resources
-percentvidmem: Percentage of video memory to make available to GTA
-reserve: Amount of memory to set aside for other applications
-reservedApp: Amount of memory to leave available within application space

-autoconfig: Automatically adjust quality setting to maintain desired frame rate <15-120>
-detailquality: Set detail distance <0-99>
-renderquality: Set anisotropic filtering <0-4>
-shadowdensity: Set the number of lights that cast shadows
-shadowquality: Set the shadow quality <0-4>
-texturequality: Set texture quality <0-2>
-viewdistance: Set LOD view distance <0-99>

==== [TIME] ====
-notimefix: Disable Time Fix

Q = Commandline/Launch options ga work ?
Answer =

Q = Kalo agan sendiri command line nya gimana?
A = -memrestrict 943718400 -norestrictions -percentvidmem 100 -reservedApp 0 -novblank < sudah pas buat ane dan cocok buat yg ada masalah ama texture  
Q = cara tau angka memrestrict nya gmn gan?
A = (Vram agan) x 1024 x 1024 , contoh : vram nya 512mb lalu 512x1024x1024 = 536870912, jadi yang agan gunakan "-memrestrict 536870912" no kutip
Jangan ampe bertabrakan gan misalnya ada code memrestrict trus ada nomemrestrict juga

Matikan Services:

Nah ini juga bisa bikin GTA IV lancar gan 
1.Buka run
2.ketik msconfig
3.buka bagian tab services
4.cari [b]Windows Event Log + Windows Event Collector[b]
5.dah ketemu dua duanya? uncheck aja abis itu  

Q = Lah kok ane ga bisa kehubung ke internet?
A = Nyalain lagi services nya gan  

Tidak hanya itu aja, agan juga kalo bsa matiin services windows yang tidak digunakan  agan bsa cari kegunaan services nya di internet

Mod FPS Booster

Mod ini juga bisa ngurangin lag , udah tested ama ane tenang aja 
Download aja mod nya di > Sini cara install nya mudah
1.Back up dahulu file original nya 
2.Replace file itu ke folder GTA IV agan

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Cara Multiplayer/LAN Shogun Total War 2 with Cracked Installer FairLighT v1

Cara Multiplayer/LAN Shogun Total War 2 with Cracked Installer FairLighT v1  - Bagi para gamers yang ingin dan bosan dengan memainkan game strategi ini dengan sendirian anda bisa menggunakan fitur multiplayer dengan komputer teman anda dengan menggunakan LAN, agar lebih seru dan menantang. Sebenarnya langkah -langkah Cara Multiplayer/LAN Shogun Total War 2 with Cracked Installer FairLighT v1  Cukup mudah, dan yang Pertama anda tidak perlu instal ulang untuk ke versi Fairlight 2 di client WINXP sudah ada TWS2  (FLT v1, NON MOD)
Anda tinggal install/copy replace

Cara Multiplayer/LAN Shogun Total War 2 with Cracked Installer FairLighT v1

1. Pertama Steam-->update steam-->update platform steam-->Create new Acc-->Logout
2. Selanjutnya Unrar-->Copy and Replace "smartsteam* ke steam folder dan jlnkan melalui
3. Unrar-->Copy and Replace "Patch Multiplayer/LAN* ke folder TWS2
4. Klik run Shogun2.exe (kl sukses nanti muncul steam engine d intro movie)
5. Selanjutnya lalu ke menu multiplayer pilih local network-->host
6. Komputer yang lainn tinggal anda join

have fun

* installer na kudu versi FLT belum di coba pake Phoenix atau yang lain
from ::it's Vikcs

Baca Juga :
Cara Unlock SLI MODE di Fallout 4

Cara mengatasi blank hitam atau crash pada Fallout 4 dan bahasa rusia
Cara mengatasi LAG GTA V

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Cara suntik Steam untuk FIFA 2016 agar bisa bermain online

Cara suntik Steam untuk FIFA 2016 agar bisa bermain online - Untuk yang malas mendownload langsung di steam, mungkin karena kecepatan internet yang lambat dan bisa menyebabkan error, ada solsi untuk mengatasinya seperti halnya dengan game GTA V, yaitu dengan menyuntikkan file game bajakan dengan steam akunn anda. dengan tutorial berikut ini :

Cara suntik Steam untuk FIFA 2016 agar bisa bermain online

Cara suntik Steam untuk FIFA 2016 agar bisa bermain online

1. Pertama anda Extract atau instal pada Tempat HDD yang diinginkan untuk menaruh Gamenya ( jangan di crack )
2. Selanjutnya Jalankan Origin + Login Bentar
3. Lalu Download FIFA 16 Di Origin
4. Biarkan terlebih dahulu agar Jalan sedikit, Lalu anda Pause + Exit Origin
5. Copy / Cut Semua File FIFA 16 yang tadi sudah Di Download Ke Folder Downloadnya Origin
6. Jalankan Origin --> Nanti akan di Verify File jika anda Berhasil
7. Play

Baca juga :
Cara setting GTA V agar tidak patah dan Crash pada GTA 5
Cara mengatasi error msvcr100.dll is mising pada Game PC
Mempertajam grafik Assasin Creed Syndicate dengan SweetFX

Sekian Cara suntik Steam untuk FIFA 2016 agar bisa bermain online  jika ada pertanyaan silahkan berkomentar, jika sudah ta silahkan berbagi informasi karena disini kita bisa saling diskusi sesama gamer hehehe.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

DIRT Rally ( 9 DVD )


Built by Codemasters and road tested over 60 million miles by the DiRT community, DiRT Rally is the ultimate rally experience. It captures the essence of what makes rally unique like no other game – that sense of trying to remain in control of your emotions, as you hurtle along dangerous, undulating roads at breakneck speed, aiming to squeeze everything out of your car whilst knowing that one crash could irreparably harm your stage time.

Every stage tests you differently, as you race on the edge of control across varying surfaces in a range of environments such as snow, ice, tarmac and dirt and as you tackle a variety of weather types. As the car suffers attrition, you need to account for mechanical damage whilst your dedicated rally team tries to keep you competitive with time-limited repairs. Stages string together and each rally becomes a marathon-like test of concentration and skill as you trust in your co-driver, chasing that ever-elusive perfect run.

DiRT Rally also includes officially licensed World Rallycross content, allowing you to experience the breathless, high-speed thrills of some of the world’s fastest off-road cars as you trade paint with other drivers at some of the series best-loved circuits, in both singleplayer and high-intensity multiplayer races.

• ICONIC RALLY CARS – Rally is about having the right tools, the right strategy and the right team. DiRT Rally has all of those. It boasts 39 of the most iconic and relevant cars from yesteryear through to modern day, representing the cars that the players want, and the ones that make the most sense for the surfaces they race on.


• ICONIC RALLY CARS – Rally is about having the right tools, the right strategy and the right team. DiRT Rally has all of those. It boasts 39 of the most iconic and relevant cars from yesteryear through to modern day, representing the cars that the players want, and the ones that make the most sense for the surfaces they race on.

• SIX MASSIVE RALLIES WITH OVER 70 STAGES – Winding paths through forests, death defying drops off hillsides and narrow mountain paths are what this is all about, it’s you and your car versus the road ahead. Head to the muddy paths of Wales, the dusty trails of Greece and the icy tarmac of Monte Carlo. Take on the legendary hillclimb of Pikes Peak, the snowy thrills of Sweden, and the epic scenery of Finland. DiRT Rally has the iconic locations to test your nerve and delight your senses.

• OFFICIAL FIA WORLD RALLYCROSS CONTENT – Race at the Lydden Hill, Holjes and Hell tracks in six of the fastest off-road cars and take on your friends in high intensity, bumper-to-bumper multiplayer racing.

• UPGRADES, REPAIRS, SETUP AND TUNING – DiRT Rally delivers depth in areas beyond driving – elements such as repairs, upgrades, and setup & tuning add a rich and strategic dimension to your rally experience.

• CHALLENGING, UNCOMPROMISING HANDLING MODEL – To take off-road racing to a level of realism not reached before, Codemasters has completely rebuilt the physical simulation for DIRT Rally. To adequately capture how it feels to race across changing surfaces, the Codemasters team has created brand new models for differential, suspension, engine mapping and turbo modelling. Codemasters has also modelled the way in which loose surfaces collect under the wheels during lateral sliding, creating a completely new feel to sliding around corners. This new physical simulation conveys the character of the compelling selection of cars as well as conveying the nuances of the game’s high fidelity racing surfaces.

• TEAM MANAGEMENT – Hire and fire your crew members each of whom which will have different skills, improving repair times for different parts of the car. Teach them new skills as they gain experience and work together as a team to improve your performance in events.

• RACENET LEAGUE SUPPORT – Get together with friends and run your very own racing league. Join or create unlimited leagues and run them how and when you want.

• DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RACENET CHALLENGES – It’s you versus the entire DiRT community in a series of one-day, week-long and month-long challenges to earn in-game credits to improve your car and team.

Title: DiRT Rally
Genre: Racing, Simulation, Sports
Developer: Codemasters Racing Studio
Publisher: Codemasters
Release Date: 7 Dec, 2015

System Requirements Dirt Rally

OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
Processor: AMD Athlon x2 Dual Core or Intel Core 2 Duo Processor @ 2.4Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: AMD HD5450 or Nvidia GT430 or Intel HD4000 with 1GB of VRAM (DirectX 11 graphics card required)
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 35 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible soundcard
Additional Notes: Supported Graphics Cards: AMD HD5000 Series, HD6000 Series, HD7000 Series, R7 Series, R9 Series Nvidia GTX400 Series, GTX500 Series, GTX600 Series, GTX700 Series, GTX900 Series Intel HD4000 Series, HD5000 Series

OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
Processor: AMD FX-8150 or Intel Core i5 4670K
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: AMD R9 290 or Nvidia GTX780
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 35 GB available space
Sound Card: Direct X compatible soundcard

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Cara mengatasi mising companion pada Fall OutNew Vegas

Cara mengatasi mising companion pada Fall OutNew Vegas - Bagi anda yang ketinggalan atau hilang pada mising companion di dalam game Fall OutNew Vegas, yang tidak tahu ada di mana,anda bisa mengikuti dan menambahkan kode berikut ini agar bisa mendapatkannya dengan mudah dengan langkah Cara mengatasi mising companion pada Fall OutNew Vegas berikut ini :

Cara mengatasi mising companion pada Fall OutNew Vegas

Readmore :
Langkah-langkah Instalasi The Sims 4 versi Pak Tani
Cara mengatasi Game tidak jalan dan runtime,error, initialize error .dll pada setiap Game yang Di instal ulang
Cara mengatasi "unable start Origin is Currently Running" pada The Sims 4

pertama anda buka console [~]
lalu anda ketik
prid idfollower [teken enter]
moveto player [teken enter]

id follower diganti dengan kode dibawah, sesuai dengan follower yang hilang
Veronica - 000e32a9
Arcade - 0010d8eb
Boone - 0096bce
Lily - 0013d830
Raul - 000e6105
Cass - 00135f19
ED-E (normal) - 001732d1
ED-E (Brotherhood of Steel upgrade) - 001732CF
ED-E (Follower upgrade) - 001732D0
Rex - 0010d8df

ex: si boone ngibrit tidak tahu kemana
prid 0096bce
moveto player

Selamat, companionnya langsung muncul dihadapan anda, jangan lupa langsung anda perintahkan untuk follow, jika masih ada error-error, dismiss aja terlebih dulu selanjutnya langsung saja recruit lagi.. works by weibz

Selesai Cara mengatasi mising companion pada Fall OutNew Vegas

Friday, December 18, 2015

Europa Universalis IV ( 1 DVD )

Europa Universalis IV is an upcoming grand strategy computer game developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. As of June 2013 its scheduled release date is 13 August 2013.
The game is set in the period of 11 November 1444 to 1 January 1821.

Developer : Paradox Development Studio | Publisher : Paradox Interactive | Platform : Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux | Release date : 13 August 2013 | Genre : Grand strategy

Penerbit game Paradox Interactive mengumumkan kehadiran game PC terbaru, Europa Universalis IV. Permainan strategi perang ini akan meluncur pada 13 Agustus 2013.
Dilansir Softpedia, Rabu (5/6/2013), game yang dikembangkan Paradox Development Studio ini tidak hanya dapat dimainkan di platform Windows, tetapi juga Linux serta Mac OS X. Game akan dihadirkan dengan berbagai mode permainan, termasuk singleplayer.

Mode singleplayer memungkinkan pemain memilih sebuah negara dan menjalankan sejarah negara tersebut. Europa Universalis IV juga menawarkan permaina multiplayer, yang didukung oleh Steamworks. 
Fitur multiplayer ini memungkinkan pemain bermain hingga 32 orang, yang saling bersaing untuk bisa memenangkan pertempuran. Game strategi perang ini mengandalkan mesin game Clausewitz 2.5 Engine.

Anda dapat menemukan pertempuran di abad ke-18. Pemain dapat bertempur untuk menguasai wilayah lawan. 
Europa Universalis IV akan tersedia secara pre-order dengan banderol USD39,99. Untuk versi Extreme Edition, game ini akan dijual dengan tambahan harga USD10 dari versi normalnya.

Baca Juga :

System Requirements Europa Universalis IV

Recommended System requirements:
Operating system: XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
Processor: Intel® Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard disk space: 2 GB HD Space
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900, 1024mb video memory required.
Sound Card: Direct X-compatible soundcard
DirectX®: 9.0c
Controller support: 3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers
Special multiplayer requirements: Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer
Multiplayer: Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode

Minimum System requirements:
Operating system: XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
Processor: Intel® Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz eller AMD 3500+
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard disk space: 2 GB HD Space
Video: NVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900, 512mb video memory required.
Sound: Direct X- compatible soundcard 
DirectX®: 9.0c
Controller support: 3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers
Special multiplayer requirements: Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer
Multiplayer: Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode

Feature Europa Universalis IV

Take your own decisions: Nation building is flexible: decide your own form of government, the structure of your society, trade politics and more. The possibilities are endless.
Use your Monarch Power: Experience the new system of monarch power where your spread of choices is influence by the caliber of the man you have at the top. Do you have a warrior King? Then it is time to make war.
Experience history coming to life: The great people and personalities of the past are on hand to support you. Thousands of historical events guide you, with unique different flavor depending on the country you play. Have more than a thousand historical leaders and over 4000 historical Monarchs at your disposal.
The world is now your playground: Players can enjoy over 300 years of gameplay in a lush topographic map in full 3D. Lead any one of more than 250 countries that originally existed during the game’s extensive time span.
Experience the all new trade system: The trade system adds a new dimension to the great trade empires of the period. Seize control of key ports to expand your trade, support it with your powerful fleet and the wealth of the world will flow to you.
Bring out your diplomatic skills: Deeper diplomatic gameplay, with coalitions, threats, fleet basing rights and detailed support for rebels. Introducing unilateral opinions, a country may dislike you, but you can be neutral towards them.
Engage in Multiplayer: Battle against your friends or try co-operative multiplayer mode that allows several players to work together to control a single nation for up to 32 players. Featuring hotjoin, improved chat, new matchmaking server andsupport for a standalone server.
Create your own history & customize your game: Europa Universalis IV gives you the chance to customize and mod practically anything your heart may desire. 


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