Friday, December 25, 2015

Cara membuat GTA IV Smooth dan tidak ada Texture pop-in

Tutorial ini dari agan hazeed

Minimum Sytem Requirements GTA IV :
CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHz
CPU Speed : 1.8 GHz
RAM : 1 GB for Windows XP / 1.5 GB for Windows Vista)
OS : Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3 / Windows 7
Video Card : 256MB NVIDIA 7900+ / 256MB ATI X1900+
Sound Card : Yes
Free Disk Space : 16 GB

Pastikan setting in-game nya dah low semua, res 800x600 dahulu, no vsync, kalo ada yg bisa di off, bikin off dulu biar mantap.. Viem distance nya 45-60 + Detail distance 70-80 + Vechile density 5-15, aspect ratio nya bikin auto

Pakai CommandLine

ini cara paling efektif buat ngurangin lag/patah patah/dll.. cara nya?
Untuk pengguna GTA IV on Steam
-Buka Library Game
-Klik kanan pada GTA IV nya > properties > Set launch options
-Atur sendiri deh
Untuk pengguna GTA IV non-steam
-Buka file lokasi GTA IV tersebut biasanya di C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV
-Buat file .txt dengan nama CommandLine
-buka file tersebut dan atur sendiri setting nya

Agan bisa kasih settingan sendiri pake code dibawah nih, untuk FAQ cek paling bawah ya gan

==== [ Global ] ====
-adapter: Use the specified screen adapter number <zero-based>
-disableimposters: Turn of the imposter rendering for vehicles
-noBlockOnLostFocus: Don't block the window update when it loses focus.

==== [AUDIO] ====
-fullspecaudio: Force high-end CPU audio footprint
-minspecaudio: Force low-end CPU audio footprint

==== [GLOBAL] ====
-benchmark: Determines if we run the benchmark immediately
-safemode: Sets graphics setting to lowest setting

==== [GRAPHICS] ====
-forcehighqualitymirrors: Enable 64 bit mirrors
-forcer2vb: force r2vb
-frameLimit: number of frames to limit game to
-framelockinwindow: Force framelock to work even in a window <works best with 60Hz monitor refresh>
-fullscreen: Force fullscreen mode
-gpucount: Lets you manually set the GPU count if query fails
-height: Set height of main render window <default is 480>
-managed: Use D3D runtime managed resources
-nominimize: Disables the ability to restore the game from minimize and changing resolutions - Reduces System Memory Footprint
-norestrictions: Do not limit graphics settings
-noswapdelay: Disable sleep delay before Present <disable fix for hard Present stalls>
-novblank: Disable wait for vblank
-refreshrate: Set refresh rate of main render window
-stereo: Set game to support stereo rendering mode
-unmanaged: Use application managed resources
-width: Set width of main render window <default is 640>
-windowed: Force windowed mode

==== [INPUT] ====
-usedirectinput: Allow DirectInput alongside XInput support.

==== [MEMORY] ====
-availablevidmem: Percentage of available video memory
-memrestrict: Set the restriction the amount of available memory for managed resources
-no_3GB: Disable 32bit OS with /3GB
-nomemrestrict: Do not restrict the amount of available memory for managed resources
-noprecache: Do not precache resources
-percentvidmem: Percentage of video memory to make available to GTA
-reserve: Amount of memory to set aside for other applications
-reservedApp: Amount of memory to leave available within application space

-autoconfig: Automatically adjust quality setting to maintain desired frame rate <15-120>
-detailquality: Set detail distance <0-99>
-renderquality: Set anisotropic filtering <0-4>
-shadowdensity: Set the number of lights that cast shadows
-shadowquality: Set the shadow quality <0-4>
-texturequality: Set texture quality <0-2>
-viewdistance: Set LOD view distance <0-99>

==== [TIME] ====
-notimefix: Disable Time Fix

Q = Commandline/Launch options ga work ?
Answer =

Q = Kalo agan sendiri command line nya gimana?
A = -memrestrict 943718400 -norestrictions -percentvidmem 100 -reservedApp 0 -novblank < sudah pas buat ane dan cocok buat yg ada masalah ama texture  
Q = cara tau angka memrestrict nya gmn gan?
A = (Vram agan) x 1024 x 1024 , contoh : vram nya 512mb lalu 512x1024x1024 = 536870912, jadi yang agan gunakan "-memrestrict 536870912" no kutip
Jangan ampe bertabrakan gan misalnya ada code memrestrict trus ada nomemrestrict juga

Matikan Services:

Nah ini juga bisa bikin GTA IV lancar gan 
1.Buka run
2.ketik msconfig
3.buka bagian tab services
4.cari [b]Windows Event Log + Windows Event Collector[b]
5.dah ketemu dua duanya? uncheck aja abis itu  

Q = Lah kok ane ga bisa kehubung ke internet?
A = Nyalain lagi services nya gan  

Tidak hanya itu aja, agan juga kalo bsa matiin services windows yang tidak digunakan  agan bsa cari kegunaan services nya di internet

Mod FPS Booster

Mod ini juga bisa ngurangin lag , udah tested ama ane tenang aja 
Download aja mod nya di > Sini cara install nya mudah
1.Back up dahulu file original nya 
2.Replace file itu ke folder GTA IV agan

Baca Juga Tutorial Lainnya !

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