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Friday, December 4, 2015

Upcoming Just Cause 3 from SquareEnix

Dev: Avalanche Studios
Pub: Square Enix
Genre: Open World Action
Release: 2015

Upcoming Just Cause 3 from SquareEnix

“When will you make Just Cause 3?"

We’ve lost count of the times we’ve been asked that question in the last few years. No matter if we’ve issued a press release about building a new studio, sponsored some event or posted photos of food to our personal Instagram accounts – the most frequent topic of conversation has somehow always been Rico and his huge sandbox world filled with crazy emergent gameplay.

Well, we’re beyond excited to finally unveil Just Cause 3 to the world! In a massive 12 page blowout, Game Informer are sharing their impressions after hours of exclusive hands-on time with the game. Rico is also gracing their cover, where he’s leaping from a building while firing his grapple mid-air, surrounded by helicopters and fighter jets. It’s an artist’s rendition, but the scenario could just as easily have been created in-game – the chaotic diorama is exactly what Just Cause is all about.

Following last week's rumours and speculation, we also wanted to take the opportunity to address a few misconceptions. Those leaked screenshots were taken from an ancient version of Just Cause 3. Like most games, this one went through an exploratory phase where we looked at different control schemes, different technologies, different business models. Those leaked screenshots show aspects of that process, and in no way reflect the game we are making today.

To be perfectly clear: Just Cause 3 will be available in 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. It will be distributed as a retail box and digital download. It is not a Free To Play game. It does not feature in-game micro transactions.

Does that mean we'll release the game and call it quits? Nope. Beyond launch, we are likely to look into DLC packs and items as part of our ambition to support Just Cause 3 and its players for many years to come, but until that time we’re completely focused on making the best Just Cause game we possibly can. Rest assured it will be a huge, fully packed and extremely rewarding experience right out of the gate.

We can't wait to see your reactions to what we've created. Just Cause 3 truly represents the next generation of chaotic sandbox fun. But just like real sandboxes, ours doesn't really come to life until it's populated by crazy kids refusing to let go of the red barrel as it's shooting across the sky about to explode in a sea of fire, and... Wait, where are we going with this again?


Nearly two years after Avalanche Studios CEO Christofer Sundberg posted a mysterious screenshot on Instagram, the official word has come down that Just Cause 3 is in the works.  The confirmation comes to us by way of the cover for the December issue of Game Informer, revealed earlier this morning. As such, there's not much in the way of detail, although it did say that the game will be set in a fictional Mediterranean archipelago, the parachute and grapple have been "vastly improved," and that players will be able to take the skies in an all-new wingsuit.  One thing it doesn't mention is whether or not the game will feature microtransactions. That became a question earlier this month, when a couple of leaked screens allegedly from the game indicated that players will be able to rent or buy vehicles and weapons with "diamonds" that can be purchased through real-money transactions.  Just Cause 3 is currently expected to come out next year.  PCG   Quote: The next game in Avalanche Studios' delightfully chaotic open-world action series, Just Cause, is coming to PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One next year, Game Informer reports.  Just Cause 3 will send players to the Mediterranean, where they'll be able to play with, in Game Informer's words, "vastly improved parachute and grapple mechanics." Players will also have access to a new wingsuit, which seems to open new possibilities in a franchise where crazy systems meet other crazy systems, resulting in peak crazy — or as Avalanche describes it, "a fine balance between outright stupid and fun."  The new Just Cause is in development at Avalanche Studios' Sweden and New York studios and Square Enix London.  Polygon

Christofer Sundberg
Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Avalanche Studios

Nearly two years after Avalanche Studios CEO Christofer Sundberg posted a mysterious screenshot on Instagram, the official word has come down that Just Cause 3 is in the works.

The confirmation comes to us by way of the cover for the December issue of Game Informer, revealed earlier this morning. As such, there's not much in the way of detail, although it did say that the game will be set in a fictional Mediterranean archipelago, the parachute and grapple have been "vastly improved," and that players will be able to take the skies in an all-new wingsuit.

One thing it doesn't mention is whether or not the game will feature microtransactions. That became a question earlier this month, when a couple of leaked screens allegedly from the game indicated that players will be able to rent or buy vehicles and weapons with "diamonds" that can be purchased through real-money transactions.

Just Cause 3 is currently expected to come out next year.


The next game in Avalanche Studios' delightfully chaotic open-world action series, Just Cause, is coming to PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One next year, Game Informer reports.

Just Cause 3 will send players to the Mediterranean, where they'll be able to play with, in Game Informer's words, "vastly improved parachute and grapple mechanics." Players will also have access to a new wingsuit, which seems to open new possibilities in a franchise where crazy systems meet other crazy systems, resulting in peak crazy — or as Avalanche describes it, "a fine balance between outright stupid and fun."

The new Just Cause is in development at Avalanche Studios' Sweden and New York studios and Square Enix London.


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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Cara mengatasi berbagai error pada instalasi The Sims 4

okegamers2 - Kali ini saya dapatkan beberpa Cara mengatasi berbagai error pada instalasi The Sims 4, pertanyaan yang saya baca di forum dan juga sering ditanyakan oleh para pemain the Sims 4, memang begitulah yang terjadi seperti permaslahan instal DLC, unable start, dan error saat selesai instal the sims 4 sebelum dimainkan. Hal ini memang sangat biasa bagi para pengguna game pak tani, yang menggunakan crack atau kloningan data dari the sims 4.

baca juga :

Berikut rangkumannya Cara mengatasi berbagai error pada instalasi The Sims 4
dari admin will.max

-Install DLC harus berurutan apa tidak?

tidak juga. bebas install/copy DLC apapun. yang terpenting base game sudah dipatch ke versi terbaru.

-Gan, kalo muncul Updatean baru sama DLC baru, harus install ulang dari langkah nomor 1 ga gan?

Tidak usah gan.
agan tinggal ke langkah nomor 2, 3 dan 4 aja. yaitu download dan copy/install Patch terbaru. lalu copy krack nya.
lalu langkah berikutnya tinggal download dan install aja DLC terbarunya

-Gan, kalo DLC ada update-an nya engga?

Kayanya sih tidak yah gan, dari mulai release DLC sampai ada DLC berikutnya versi DLC nya tetap sama.
sedari jaman The Sims 3 Generation Expansion Pack, kayanya semua DLC Pack The Sims series cuma ngeupdate base game nya doang.
ane ga begitu ngerti EA bikin apa-bikin apanya, ane cuma user

-Gan, saya udah install TS4AIO yg versi jadul dan udah ada DLC nya, selanjutnya kalau mau jadi update gimana caranya?

Saat ini Patch TS4Base Game paling baru adalah versi agan tinggal langsung ke langkah install nomor 2.
dan ke bawahnya, agan tinggal donlot aja DLC yg belum agan punya.

-Gan, ane dah install base game sama DLC nya semua, trus udah copy krack juga, tapi ko DLC nya tidak kebaca ya gan?

Coba lakukan langkah dari nomor 2, 3, dan 4.
mudah2an bisa yah

Gan ane dah coba donlot file yg agan upload tp banyak bug?

ane pakenya base game versi reloaded. saran ane sih pake base game versi reloaded
setelahnya baru donlot semua DLC dan patch yg ane upload.

Gan, ane udah install sesuai urutan yang agan kasih, tapi ko malah muncul error begini gan

Cara mengatasi berbagai error pada instalasi The Sims 4

Udah copy krack nya belum?
kalau sudah, tinggal close aja origin nya.
jika tidak merasa  menyalakan origin,cek kembali dan buka system tray
klik kanan lalu Close
lalu play

Gan, cara ngecek versi The Sims 4 sama DLC nya gimana gan?

kalo cek base game ada di Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4.. cari file GameVersion.txt
klo DLC
cek ke
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\FP01 cari file Version.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\GP01 cari file Version.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\EP01 cari file Version.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\SP01 cari file Version.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\SP02 cari file Version.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\GP02 cari file Version.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\SP03 cari file Version.ini

Gan, ane belum punya satupun The Sims 4, jadi musti mana dulu nih yg didonlot?

kalau agan pengen ngerti, download aja yg di Installation Guide
tapi kalau agan ga mau susah, pengennya donlot lgsg maen, donlot lah yg versi AIO 1.10.57 yg terbaru

Gan, sudah donlot AIO trus diapain?


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Cara mengatasi Crash kembali ke desktop pada game Dragon Age inquistion

Okegamers2 - Cara mengatasi Crash kembali ke desktop pada game Dragon Age inquistion - Meskipun sesifikasi anda mencukupi bahkan memenhi system recommended tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk para pengguna game pc pak tani biasa terjadi seperti ini, pada kasus ini terjadi pada game Dragon Age Inquistion. Berikut langkahnya Cara mengatasi Crash kembali ke desktop pada game Dragon Age inquistion yang saya dapat di forum luar :

Cara mengatasi Crash kembali ke desktop pada game Dragon Age inquistion

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Cara menaikan level 100 pada One piece Wariors 3
Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada game dragon age inquistion

I believed that I have fixed this problem since I have played the game for 2 days without any crash.

I have tried to many ways to solves this problem at the first place, it took me a bit of time to completely fixed it. I have tried every suggestions such as: update driver to the lasted version, update directx, install visual C++, under locking video card, lower the graphic... at some points I thought I have fixed it but I can only play the game for 30 min - 1 hour then the game crash again during the gameplay or the cutscenes. Finally, thanks to "The Maker" I have successfully fixed this directx error.

Here is how I have done. (some of the steps may not be necessary, but I still recommand you to do all of them, it never hurt to try and it can be done very quickly).

1) I went to C:\Users\Your-Username\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save and delete ProfileOptions_profile. (Don't worry, you will not loose any of your saves, This will set your game graphic low any reset any of your game setting to default such as :keyboard control, subtitles in game... you can switch these option back on later).

2) I went to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\directx\redist or to the location that you have installed the game, then open DXSETUP and install directx (If you press install and it say that your computer has already install it or anything similar to that, then you should be fine).

3) I download and installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 ,Then reset your computer. (If you have already installed, uninstall it then reinstall again, Note that uninstall any Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 versions then only install 1 that fit your computer x64 or x84.)

Link download:

4) I disable Origin in Game, you can find this under Origin / Application setting / Origin In Game (this may not be necessary, but it will help to reduce the game lag).

5) lauch your game then go to game option / display then switch to Windowed Fullscreen, also go to graphic to double check and make sure that Abient Occlusion has turn off. Then quit the game (because your setting will applied the next time your start the game).

=> Lauch your game and Enjoy!

------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---

Notes 1: some of the thing I have not confirm that whether you can play your on any high graphic setting, I haven't try this since I'm not confidence that my computer is that strong to afford it anyway, I playing at low setting, the game run very smooth no lag or crash, the graphic is very good as well. If you computer are good then do all the steps first, play the game for 2-3 hours or even longer maybe, see whether the problem has fixed for your. Then try to go on what ever graphic as you like, I'm sure the game will look even better. But remember to play on Windowed Fullscreen and turn off the Abient Occlusion in graphic setting.

Notes 2: as I mention that my computer is old, it is not strong enough to afford high graphic game, so if I can fix this problem, you can as well!

Tambahan dari saya : Jika masih mengalami crash setelah semua langkah diatas dilakukan. coba anda uninstall clean/all driver amd/nvidia, trus install driver lama saja, siapa tau bisa, dan terakhir coba repair game (khusus ori).

Sekarang tidak ada masalah sama sekali, sudah tidak ada crash/freeze lagi, main 4-5 jam tanpa crash. malah sejak patch 2 ini mungkin bisa naikin beberapa setting ke medium/high, tadinya low semua 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada game dragon age inquistion

Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada  game dragon age inquistion - Bagi anda yang suka menggunakan controler atau joystick saat bermain game, berikut saya memberikan tutorial yang didapat dari forum dragon age inquistion  bagaimana cara menggunakan game pad abal-abal dalam bermain game PC dragon age inquistion .Dibawah ini langkah -langkah tutorial Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada  game dragon age inquistion :

Cara setting gamepad Abal - abal pada  game dragon age inquistion

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Controller: x360ce Tutorial
Pertma anda download terlebih dahulu disini : click here

The "x360ce" being "".
The "64 bit libraries" being ""

1. Delete sema file x360ce dan semua DLLS didalam folder dragon age inquistion  (jika anda sudah main game DAI).

2. Ekstrak x360ce pada folder baru yang anda buat terserah, jalankan x360ce nya (agar muncul file .ini and xinput1_3.dll). Configure your gamepad now. Save. Exit. Selanjutnya anda pindahkan  x360ce.exe and x360ce.ini ke dalam folder dragon age inquistion  . DO NOT OPEN x360ce.exe inside DA:I folder anymore!

3. Download the 64 bit libraries and copy x360ce.gdb, dinput8.dll, xinput1_3.dll to DA:I folder.

4. Open x360ce.gdb with notepad and add these lines:

Name = Dragon Age: Inquisition
HookMask= 0x00000002

Save. Exit.

5. Change "xinput1_3.dll" inside DA:I folder name to "xinput9_1_0.dll"

6. This last part may be unnecessary, but I did it, and it didn't hurt. Open up x360ce.ini and add these lines (if [InputHook] and the HookMode lines are already there, just add the third HookCOM line to it):

HookMode = 1
HookCOM = 1

7. Done.

Selesai jika ada bahasa inggris yang tidak dimengerti tinggal anda translate sendirilah, ane dah translate tuh yang awal biar gak pada psing duluan hehehe, tinggal komentar saja jika tidak mengerti.

Project CARS | May 2015

Developer: Slightly Mad Studios
Publisher: Slightly Mad Studios
Distributor: Bandai Namco Games
Genre: Sim Racing
Release Date: 7 May 2015
About This Game

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Project CARS is the ultimate driver journey! 

Guided, tested, and approved by a passionate community of racing fans and real-life drivers, Project CARS represents the next-generation of racing simulation as the ultimate combination of fan desire and developer expertise.

Discover an unrivaled immersion fuelled by world-class graphics and handling that allows you to truly feel the road. Create a driver, pick from a huge variety of motorsports in a dynamic career mode and write your own tale in an intense online multiplayer.

Featuring the largest track roster of any recent racing game with a ground-breaking dynamic time of day & weather system, deep tuning & pit stop functionality, and support for Oculus Rift and 12K ultra HD resolution, Project CARS leaves the competition behind in the dust.

Next-gen graphics, authentic handling, playable via Oculus Rift and 12K Ultra HD resolution

Guided, tested and approved by fans & pilots for the perfect gameplay balance

Master a variety of motorsports & unprecedented track roster in a sandbox career mode

System Requirements Project CARS | May 2015

OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 with latest Service Packs
Processor: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400, 3.0 GHz AMD Phenom II X4 940
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GTX 260, ATI Radeon HD 5770
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card

OS: Windows 7 with latest Service Packs
Processor: 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7 3700, 4.0 GHz AMD FX-8350
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GT600 series, AMD Radeon HD7000 series
DirectX: Version 11

Additional Notes: For racing wheel support check:

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cara mengatasi Crash with user CFG Battle Field 4 agar tidak crash

Crash Fixed with user CFG Battle Field 4 agar tidak crashBagi para pemain game battlefield 4 yang kehilangan user.cfg, namun malas mencari file tersebut .di google anda bisa membuatnya sendiri dengan menggunakan bantuan notepad, yang dimana
notepad diberi nama folder " user.cfg "

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Cara mengatasi Lag pada PES 2016 Part II
Cara Setting VGA Nvidia untuk mengatasi Lag pada PES 2016

Crash Fixed with user CFG Battle Field 4 agar tidak crash

Dan ketik isinya sebagai berikut :

GameTime.MaxVariableFps 200.000000
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
PerfOverlay.DrawGraph 0
PerfOverlay.Enable 1
Render.DrawScreenInfo 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 1
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 1
Screenshot.Format png
WorldRender.DxDeferredCsPathEnable 1
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 1024

itu semua di ketik selanjutnya. restart PC anda dan setelah start up kembali coba login.

apabila tdk membantu dan tetap crash, notepad diatas di rubah seperti ini 

GameTime.MaxVariableFps 200.000000
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
PerfOverlay.DrawGraph 0
PerfOverlay.Enable 1
Render.DrawScreenInfo 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 1
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 1
Screenshot.Format png
WorldRender.DxDeferredCsPathEnable 1
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 1024
UI.DrawEnable 1


Lalu kembali jalankan game. dan apabila crash, sekarang hapus UI DrawEnable 1 .
Setelah itu coba jalankan lagi.

Jika masih mengalami rusak crash, kemngkinan anda instal ulang kembali.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [ Upcoming ]

Rainbow Six Siege is the upcoming installment of the acclaimed first-person shooter franchise developed by the renowned Ubisoft Montreal studio for the new generation of consoles and PC. Inspired by the reality of counter terrorist operatives across the world, Siege invites players to master the art of destruction. Intense close quarters confrontations, high lethality, tactics, team play, and explosive action are at the center of the experience.

Official WebSite :

ABOUT Game PC Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is the upcoming installment of the acclaimed first-person shooter franchise developed by the renowned Ubisoft Montreal studio for the new generation of consoles and PC. The multiplayer gameplay of Rainbow Six Siege sets a new bar for intense firefights and expert strategy in the rich legacy of past Rainbow Six games.

Screenshot Game PC Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

System Requirements Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Minimum Rainbow Six Siege Closed Alpha PC Requirements:
OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, x64
CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K or AMD FX-8120 Eight-Core
CPU Speed: 3.3 GHz (Recommended), 2.6 GHz (Minimum)
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 / R9 280 X


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