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Monday, December 2, 2013

Tutor Ngutak -Ngatik Game Pad Abal-abal padagame Nfs Rival

1. jalanin file 'x360ce.exe' dulu. buat cari tau nilai 'IG' [kalo ada detect new device klik no aja] > cari tab Generic USB Joystick [punya ane begitu tempat agan bisa aja beda]
Spoilerfor 1:

2. buka file 'x360ce.ini' buat diedit, bisa pake notepad, tapi ane lebih suka pad++, terus samain nilai 'IG' yang ada di 'x360ce.exe' dengan yg di notepad. sama mappingnya juga, tempat ane gak cocok soalnya. [bisa liat gambar]
Spoilerfor 2:
From :Kiosu

Mengatasi Display driver stopped responding and has recovered For COD Ghost

Uninstal driver lama agan lewat device manager (control panel-device and printers-device manager-display adapters-klik kanan di driver vga agan trus uninstal)

- Instal driver sweeper (aplikasi pembersih driver sampai ke akar-akarnya, bisa cari di google gan hehe), bersihkan sisa file driver lama agan, kemudian restart komputer, dan download lagi driver vga agan yg terbaru (disini ane make yang beta version 13.11)

Buat agan yg pake NVIDIA coba pake cara ini:
1. Go to the "Nvidia Control panel".
2. From there go into "Manage 3d settings" (might be named different for some).
3. From there go into "program settings".
4. From there select "program to customize".
5. Find COD: Ghosts which should be called iw6mp64_ship.exe and select it,
6. Once that is selected go to multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration and change it from multiple display performance mode to Single display mode.

kalo masih error coba uninstal driver lamanya, bersihin pake driver sweeper, dan instal kembali drivernya ke yg versi terbaru, caranya sama seperti AMD HD Radeon user. CMIIW

From  huZEN46

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cara mengatasi NFS Rival ngelag maen di windows 32-bit

Buat yg maen di windows 32 bit tp ngelag ane ada solusinya nih.
1. NFS rivals jalan lancar minimal di RAM 4GB. sedangkan kalo windows 32 bit kan usable RAMnya paling 3.25GB. (meskipun agan uda pake memori RAM 4GB tp kalo windows 32 bit ga semuanya kebaca 4GB. Bisa di cek di klik kanan my computer, properties). Cara akalinnya pake software RAM lock aja. bisa di download dari sini
2. Pake D3Doverride + TopWinPrio (cara ngakalin FIFA/PES 2014 biar ga ngelag), plus game booster jg
3. Maen di FPS 60

Ada peningkatan kan? Yg tdnya ngelag jd lancar

Mungkin ada yg ngalamin suara komentator ucapin subtitle jd dobel2 gt ada pengulangan kata2. soalnya ane dulu jg ngalamin. Tapi setelah pake cara itu ane masih blm tau ada pengulangan kata2 ato nga, soalnya speaker ane rusak jdnya maen ga pake suara deh

From  k4rlz

Friday, November 29, 2013

Cara Main FIFA ONLINE 2014 versi Pak Tani menjadi Original

1. Download Originnya di sini lalu install
2. Buat ID Originnya. Jika sudah, Login ke Origin
3. Di dalam aplikasi Originnya, pilih menu Origin, lalu pilih Redeem Product Key, masukan key/serial number FIFA 14 punya agan

Spoilerfor redeem:

4. Di tab My Games, jika sudah tertampil Cover FIFA 14, klik kanan pilih Download
Spoilerfor download:

5. Tunggu sampai proses Download berjalan 3-5 detik, setelah itu Pause
6. Buka Explore, cari Folder Origin Games (biasanya di C:\Program Files\Origin Games\ ). Cek apakah sudah dibuat folder FIFA 14? Jika sudah lanjut ke step selanjutnya.
Spoilerfor Origin Games:

7. Copy semua file-file FIFA 14 dari CD versi pak tani atau hasil Download-an agan (kecuali keraknya ) lalu Paste ke folder FIFA 14 tadi, yang ada di dalam Folder Origin Games.
8. Kembali ke Origin, Resume Download FIFA 14-nya
9. Jika berhasil, maka proses Download akan langsung 90%-an.
10. Tunggu proses Download, Install, dan Update selesai
11. Enjoy the game

Untuk TS: Jika berkenan, taro pejwan

Bisa gan, asal pake ID dia kalo mau install dan maen FIFA. Cara ceknya tahan tombol gambar window+R, lalu ketik "ping -t" (tanpa tanda kutip).

Coba update driver VGA-nya gan. Jika masih, turunkan kualitas rendering/grafis game-nya
Kalo inet sih udah ready maen onlen

From : fernandoady

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


yang ngalamin masalah sama uplay nya selalu crash setiap kali di launch padahal udah cek koneksi firewall n ga ada yg di blok, trus jg coba download uplay lgs dari web nya ga bisa juga itu penyelesaian nya cuma 1 yaitu buka driver C/windows/system32/driver nanti agan2 bakaln temuin 1 folder yg namanya etc. apus itu folder. ane ga tau apa guna nya jadi buat jaga2 mendingan copy folder itu n simpen di tempat laen

from freaksky1234

Monday, November 25, 2013

Cara menaikan FPS di Nvidia

D3DOverider = Force Tripple buffering saja, vsync OFF

NVCPL = Tripple buffering =OFF, Vsync ON

Vsync=OFF di ingame setting

From  :specialex

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Need for Speed Rivals ( 2 DVD )

About the GameErasing the line between single player and multiplayer games on the road - racing is the competition between the police and the Racers . Seamlessly joining the world where your friends are already racing and chasing . Forget the game modes are isolated . There is no lobby , no waiting . You and your friends can share all of the same race as the traffic lane and experience join .features• All- drives : Imagine a race and chase your friends collide - creating a world in which no two events felt the same way . Do not want to play with others ? Then just choose to make Redview County yours alone and dominate advanced AI Racer and Cop .• High stakes competition : Racers is a lone wolf for glory ; agile driving car built for high speed racing and chasing epic . The police work in teams to hunt down and bust racers use the full force of the police . Switch roles whenever you like , and watch the pot grow through new scoring system that puts your speed points on the line .• Next-gen racing : Experience the speed that you can really feel it in the fastest racing game around , powered by the Frostbite 3 engine . Every detail of the game world are given in stunning , high-definition graphics . Race and chase in the snow , sleet , rain , dust storms and thick fog .• Your car , your identity : Personalize your car with performance and style modifications . Power your car with the latest upgrades in technology and personalized bodywork chase you with a new paint job , liveries , custom plate , rims and decals for your car to show off to the world .• Pursuit and avoidance technology : Use and modification pursue the latest technology to turn your chase or escape strategy on the fly . Police riders avoid using the turbo bursts , jammers and electromagnetic pulse . The police will be armed to the statue aggressive , spreading waves , spikestrips and call the police barriers or support helicopters .Genre : RacingRelease Date : 22 November 2013Publisher : Electronic ArtsDevelopers : Ghost GameSupported Languages ​​: Deutsch , English ( U.S. ) , Español ( ES ) , Français ( France ) , Italiano , Nederlands , Português ( Brasil )

System Requirements

Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) 32-Bit
Processor: Intel 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo or AMD 2.8 GHz Athlon X2
Memory: 4 GB
Hard Drive: 30 GB
Graphics Card (AMD): AMD Radeon 3870 512 MB or higher performance
Graphics Card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher performance
Graphics Card (Intel): Intel HD 4000 Integrated 512 MB or higher performance
Sound card: DirectX 10.1 compatible
Online Connection: 512 KBPS or faster
Keyboard and Mouse

Recommended System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 (Service Pack 2)
Processor: Intel Quad-Core CPU or AMD Six Core CPU
Memory: 8 GB
Hard Drive: 30 GB
Graphics Card(AMD): AMD Radeon 7870 3GB or higher performance
Graphics Card(NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce GT660 3GB or higher performance
Sound Card: DirectX 11 compatible
Keyboard and Mouse

Price :$49.99

Video Trailer


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