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Monday, June 27, 2016

Langkah memperbaiki error 0xc00007b windows 8.1

7-Game - Mungkin pada saat anda menginstal sebuah game dan selesai menginstalnya seperti pada windows 8.1 terdapat error (0xc00007b) dengan tulisan the application was unable to sart correctly biasanya gamenya tidak masuk atau tidak sinkron dengan windows yang anda gunakan,

Karena ada beberapa file software pendukung yang harus diinstal seperti NET. Frameworknya

Langkah memperbaiki error 0xc00007b windows 8.1

Ya langkah yang perlu anda coba adalah anda harus instal NET frameworknya terlebih dahulu, untuk lebih hasil yang lebih baik anda carai
yang versi terbarunya Download disini.

Cara kedua jika game masih error anda restart dulu, laptop atau komputer anda barus instal ulang gamenya dan setelah selesai
anda instal kembali net framework dan restart kembali komputer atau laptop anda.

Setelah hidup kembali pada saat akan memainkan gamenya anda harus klik kanan pada .exe nya dana anda pilih "Compatibility" ubah saja ke windows 7
dan jangan lupa ceklis "run administrator" lalu Apply

Cara ketiga jika anda masih mengalami error juga anda bisa update windows anda yang ada di "control panel"
Setelah itu anda instal yang terbaru Vcredist C++ Download disini

Jika masih tidak bisa juga cara terakhir
Anda Klik start “Windows” klik kanan pada “cmd” icon .
Selanjutnya anda pilih “Run as administrator” .
Sekarang command prompt anda penuh dengan hak akses administratif di depan Anda.
Lalu ketik di command prompt : “c: / f / r” tanpa tanda kutip.
Tekan tombol “Enter” pada keyboard.

Jika anda cara lain lagi silahkan berkomentar disini

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Umbrella.Corps ( 1 DVD )

Okegamers2- Kali ini gamer sudah muncul game perang dengan spesfikasi rendah cocok bagi anda yang memiliki komputer dengan spesifikasi rendah tapi dengan performa gambar yang lumayan bagus.

Join the corps! Umbrella Corps is a brand new fast-paced 0.33-character shooter set in the Resident Evil universe. The aggressive online game will characteristic fast, excessive fits in compact fight zones themed from ancient Resident Evil environments reminiscent of an Umbrella Facility map. Umbrella Corps makes use of the solidarity engine developed with the aid of harmony applied sciences.
Umbrella company, a ruthless international pharmaceutical manufacturer, had been identified for its genetic experiments and organic weaponry that led to global devastation together with the infamous Raccoon city incident. Although the group was once introduced down in 2003, its legacy of bio-terrorism continued. Within the present day, organisations with nebulous pursuits in bio-weaponry have employed squads of distinctive forces for experimental battles in limited virus-infected areas against different mercenaries.

Baca juga :

Release name (Crack by): Umbrella.Corps-CODEX
– NFO : read
– Format : iso
– Platform : PC
– Language : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
– Files size : 1 x 3.6 GB
– Total size : 3.6 GB
– Hosts : Mega, 1fichier, Uptobox, Uploaded, Turbobit
– System Requirements : MINIMUM:
OS: Windows 7 SP1 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 (All 64bit OS)
Processor: Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.6GHz or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX460 or better
DirectX: Version 11

Friday, June 24, 2016

Mordheim City of the Damned Witch Hunter ( 3 DVD )

okegamers2 - Game ini bergenre RPG yang cukup lumayan dalam hal gambar karakter dan dari segi alur cerita hanya saja, cerita yang sedikit pendek sehingga tidak terasa untuk menamatkan game ini. Berikut penjelasan dari steamnya :

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Langkah mengatasi has stopped working pada the sims 4

Concerning the sport

This Warband provides the Witch Hunters, with 7 new unit types and a thoroughly playable crusade providing special Dramatis Personae, high Capitular Wilhelm Krieger.

Amidst the rivalries and violence that splits the Empire, sinister forces creep again into the lands of guys. Towards these evils stand the Witch Hunters, remorseless warriors in service to the Temple of Sigmar. The witch practising her fell magic, the mutant spreading its corruption of flesh, the necromancer violating the sanctity of the grave, the daemon seeking to own souls – these are the foes of the Witch Hunter. The Witch Hunters will allow nothing to make them waver of their defence of mankind against these evils. They're the Templars of Sigmar, and with sword and hearth they will return their god’s justice to Mordheim.

Mordheim City of the Damned Witch Hunter ( 3 DVD )

Mordheim City of the Damned Witch Hunter ( 3 DVD )

Mordheim City of the Damned Witch Hunter ( 3 DVD )

Mordheim City of the Damned Witch Hunter ( 3 DVD )

System Requirements Mordheim City of the Damned Witch Hunter 

OS: Windows Vista 64bit, Window 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit, Windows 10 64bit (32bit OS not supported)
Processor: AMD/INTEL Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
Memory: 4096 MB RAM
Graphics: 1024 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible AMD Radeon HD 5850/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or higher
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 8 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible
Additional Notes: Internet connection required for online gaming and game activation

OS: Windows Vista 64bit, Window 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit, Windows 10 64bit (32bit OS not supported)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz
Memory: 4096 MB RAM
Graphics: 2048 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible AMD Radeon R9 270/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 or higher
Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible
Additional Notes: Internet connection required for online gaming and game activation

Witch Hunter Captain
The chief of each band of Witch Hunters bears a fee from the Grand Theogonist himself, sanctioning whatever motion the Captain deems indispensable. These entrusted with such authority are chosen for his or her dependable religion and zeal, as good as their tactical acumen and swordsmanship. Any who dare oppose a Witch Hunter Captain shall be summarily accomplished… with the Temple of Sigmar’s blessing.

Preliminary Weapon Set

Set 1: Crossbow Pistols
Set 2: Sword

Sigmar’s Aegis: The warrior has a ordinary Magic resistance bonus of 20%.

Initial capabilities
Hunter’s persistence: After a victorious circumvent try, reduces the fee of a Counter-attack performed in response by 1 Offense factor.
Their minds unhinged by using the conviction that the end occasions are upon the Empire, Flagellants are fanatical madmen who wander the roads and byways of the provinces. They preach their apocalyptic visions anyplace they go, scourging their own bodies with barbed whips and heavy chains in acts of ghastly self-mutilation. The crazed devotion that gives Flagellants motive likewise makes them terrifying warriors in battle, hurling themselves upon foes in a frenzy of slashing flails. Many Flagellants had been swayed with the aid of the sermons of Witch Hunters, becoming a member of their warbands in a holy campaign to cleanse Mordheim and repair Sigmar’s grace to the land.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: satisfactory Flail
Set 2: Nothing

No talent: This unit can't purchase the ‘Lad’s obtained talent’ ability.

Initial talents
Fanaticism: can provide immunity to All by myself, fear and Terror assessments.
Witch Hunter
The grim Witch Hunters are famend for his or her selection and braveness even as they're notorious for their pitiless ways and cruel justice. Almost always, these guys work on my own, travelling the villages and towns to root out Chaos cults and witches, however the scope of corruption infesting Mordheim has drawn packs of Witch Hunters to it, banding them together below the authority of Witch Hunter Captains.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Pistols
Set 2: Sword

Sigmar’s Ward: The warrior has a usual Magic resistance bonus of 10%

initial capabilities
Purge the Heretic!: When dealing melee injury, raises melee injury via 20% for the following assault. The following action taken have got to be a melee attack or ability, or the outcomes is lost.
guys who've suffered best losses, who had loved ones and fortune taken from them, often in finding that religion in Sigmar is all they have got left. Casting apart the shambles of their ancient lives, they become Zealots – vengeful pilgrims on a quest to damage the minions of Chaos at any place they can be discovered. Many Zealots had been peasants or craftsmen, missing the martial expertise of mercenaries. They're, nevertheless, possessed by means of bitterness and rage. These are qualities that reason Witch Hunters to recruit them, harnessing their fanaticism to consult with vengeance upon the evil infesting Mordheim.

Preliminary Weapon Set

Set 1: Spear & Sword
Set 2: Nothing


preliminary expertise
Vengeance: When receiving harm, increases Melee harm by means of 10% for 1 turn. Stackable.
Warrior Priest
among the many ranks of Sigmar’s clergy, the Warrior clergymen emphasize the martial points of their god. Stuffed with a fiery fervour and an unbreakable religion, these priests are a formidable sight to the enemies of the Empire. Wielding large warhammers that can shatter skulls and crush bones, a Warrior Priest is an impressive foe. More than their physical strength, nonetheless, it is a Warrior Priest’s devotion to Sigmar that endows him together with his deadliest competencies – harnessing the divine vigor of his god and unleashing devastating forces towards his adversaries.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Hammer & guard
Set 2: Nothing

Divine Spellcaster: This unit has entry to some spells from Sigmar’s Prayers Tome.
Starts with the spell Immaculate Flesh, which eliminates all active Poison results and increases Poison and Wyrdstone Resistance by way of 15%. Not stackable.

Preliminary knowledge
Divine Rage: When dealing melee damage, raises the Spellcasting chance of the following spell via 15%. The following motion taken have to be a spell or the effect is lost.

Potiential Spells

look after of faith: increases Magic Resistance by using 15%. No longer Stackable.
Armour of Righteousness: gives you immunity to fear and provokes worry on engaged enemies. Increases Armour Absorption via 10%. No longer Stackable.
Deny the Heretic: Creates a zone effect on the chosen field. Coming into or starting a turn throughout the area inflicts a debuff that reduces present and maximum Offense facets by means of 1 and Melee Hit hazard by way of 5% for 1 turn. Now not Stackable.
Immaculate Flesh: eliminates all active Poison results and raises Poison and Wyrdstone Resistance by using 15%. No longer Stackable.
Word of Damnation: Reduces Magic Resistance by 10% and the risk to move All on my own, worry, and Terror tests by 25%. No longer Stackable.
Soulfire: deals 10-15 harm. Bypasses Armour Absorption.
Prayer of Absolution: raises Armour Absorption by 5% and stay away from and Parry danger with the aid of 10%. Now not Stackable.
Medication Hand: Restores as much as forty wounds.

Templar Knight
The younger children of noble lords or the disposed heirs of conquered domains, Templar Knights by and large search a role for themselves by supplying carrier to the temples of mankind’s gods. Individuals who serve Sigmar ordinarily grow to be in the warband of a Witch Hunter Captain, granted the threat to prove the sincerity of their religion by giving battle to the creatures of Chaos. Armed and armoured in finery befitting their noble start, Templar Knights are however untested warriors and their lack of expertise could make them overeager in combat.

Preliminary Weapon Set

Set 1: Sword & protect
Set 2: Nothing


last Stand: This unit will certainly not disengage or flee from melee battle, it will combat except the tip. The unit can be coolheaded.
Fearless: resistant to All by myself, fear and Terror

initial competencies
Stoic: When engaged with 2 or extra enemies, raises Melee Resistance through 10%. No longer Stackable
Few attractions are extra terrifying than that of seeing an Executioner approaching his victim. Selected for his or her colossal physiques and utter remorselessness, these sinister warriors know neither pity nor mercy. Tasked to supply final justice to the enemies of Sigmar, an Executioner turns into inured to killing, as ready to slay in bloodless blood as in the warmness of fight. Fine two-passed swords and double-headed axes are the weapons of choice for these killers, instruments with which they end up rather complete within the course of their gory trade.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: quality Axe
Set 2: Nothing


fireplace Purge: each and every melee attack has 25% possibilities to position the enemy on fire for two turns, the fire harm is taken at the opening of its turn.
Fearless: resistant to All on my own, worry and Terror
final Stand: This unit will by no means disengage or flee from melee fight, it’ll battle except the end
Tiring Immunity: proof against tiring effects.

Preliminary potential
Pyre of the Righteous: areas an effigy at a goal vicinity that may be destroyed via enemies. The effigy increases the chance to move All alone, fear, Terror via 30%, and Melee and Ranged Hit danger through 10% for allies within 5 meters. Usable once each 2 turns. Not Stackable.

Title: Mordheim: city of the Damned – Witch Hunters
style: RPG, procedure
Developer: Rogue element
publisher: focal point home Interactive
liberate Date: 21 Jun, 2016

Mordheim metropolis of the Damned Witch Hunter-CODEX
dimension: 9.15 GB

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Cara mengatasi Batman Arkham Asylum Unhandheld exception has occured in your application

okegamers2 - Dari permaslaahan pengalaman beberapa gamer yang memainkan Batman Arkham Asylum. Jika anda mengalami error Unhandheld exception has occured in your application. if you click continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue, Could not load or assembly 'Microsoft DirectX Direct 3D,
Version = 1.02902 Culture=Natural
Public Key token =31bf3856ad364e35 or one its dependencies, the system cannot find the specified

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Patch UEFA EURO 2016 FRANCE - PES 2016
Langkah mengatasi error ISDone.dll pada Naruto Strom 4

Padahal jika dilihat anda sudah memenuhi kebutuhan system requirements minimal yang telah dipenuhi, bahkan lebih.

Serta software pendukung game seperti netframework dan directx sudah terinstal dengan baik. Sebenarnya jika anda membaca di forum  steam anda bisa atau dapat menyelsaikan masalahanya dengan baik dari percakapan forum di link ini:

Dari kesimpulannya sebenarnya anda hanya perlu menginstal windows live dan karena setiap versi batman arkham ini membutuhkan dukungan dari software windows live.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016



This Warband provides the Witch Hunters, with 7 new unit types and a fully playable campaign featuring unique Dramatis Personae, high Capitular Wilhelm Krieger.


Amidst the rivalries and violence that splits the Empire, sinister forces creep again into the lands of guys. Towards these evils stand the Witch Hunters, remorseless warriors in carrier to the Temple of Sigmar. The witch training her fell magic, the mutant spreading its corruption of flesh, the necromancer violating the sanctity of the grave, the daemon looking for to own souls – these are the foes of the Witch Hunter. The Witch Hunters will enable nothing to make them waver of their defence of mankind in opposition to these evils. They are the Templars of Sigmar, and with sword and fire they're going to return their god’s justice to Mordheim.






Witch Hunter Captain
The chief of each and every band of Witch Hunters bears a commission from the Grand Theogonist himself, sanctioning anything action the Captain deems indispensable. Those entrusted with such authority are chosen for his or her dependable religion and zeal, as well as their tactical acumen and swordsmanship. Any who dare oppose a Witch Hunter Captain can be summarily executed… with the Temple of Sigmar’s blessing.
Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Crossbow Pistols
Set 2: Sword

Sigmar’s Aegis: The warrior has a natural Magic resistance bonus of 20%.

Initial Skills
Hunter’s Patience: After a successful Dodge attempt, reduces the cost of a Counter-Attack performed in response by 1 Offense Point.
Their minds unhinged by the conviction that the End Times are upon the Empire, Flagellants are fanatical madmen who wander the roads and byways of the provinces. They preach their apocalyptic visions wherever they go, scourging their own bodies with barbed whips and heavy chains in acts of ghastly self-mutilation. The crazed devotion that gives Flagellants purpose likewise makes them terrifying warriors in battle, hurling themselves upon foes in a frenzy of slashing flails. Many Flagellants have been swayed by the sermons of Witch Hunters, joining their warbands in a holy crusade to cleanse Mordheim and restore Sigmar’s grace to the land.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Great Flail
Set 2: Nothing

No Talent: This unit cannot buy the ‘Lad’s got talent’ skill.

Initial Skills
Fanaticism: Grants immunity to All Alone, Fear and Terror tests.
Witch Hunter
The grim Witch Hunters are renowned for their determination and courage even as they are infamous for their pitiless methods and merciless justice. Typically, these men work alone, travelling the villages and towns to root out Chaos cults and witches, but the scope of corruption infesting Mordheim has drawn packs of Witch Hunters to it, banding them together under the authority of Witch Hunter Captains.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Pistols
Set 2: Sword

Sigmar’s Ward: The warrior has a natural Magic resistance bonus of 10%

Initial Skills
Purge the Heretic!: When dealing melee damage, increases melee damage by 20% for the next attack. The next action taken must be a melee attack or skill, or the effect is lost.
Men who have suffered great losses, who had family and fortune taken from them, sometimes find that faith in Sigmar is all they have left. Casting aside the shambles of their old lives, they become Zealots – vengeful pilgrims on a quest to destroy the minions of Chaos wherever they can be found. Many Zealots were peasants or craftsmen, lacking the martial experience of mercenaries. They are, however, possessed by bitterness and rage. These are qualities that cause Witch Hunters to recruit them, harnessing their fanaticism to visit vengeance upon the evil infesting Mordheim.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Spear & Sword
Set 2: Nothing


Initial Skills
Vengeance: When receiving damage, increases Melee damage by 10% for 1 turn. Stackable.
Warrior Priest
Among the ranks of Sigmar’s clergy, the Warrior Priests emphasize the martial aspects of their god. Filled with a fiery fervour and an unbreakable faith, these priests are a formidable sight to the enemies of the Empire. Wielding immense warhammers that can shatter skulls and crush bones, a Warrior Priest is an imposing foe. More than their physical strength, however, it is a Warrior Priest’s devotion to Sigmar that endows him with his deadliest abilities – harnessing the divine power of his god and unleashing devastating forces against his adversaries.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Hammer & Shield
Set 2: Nothing

Divine Spellcaster: This unit has access to some spells from Sigmar’s Prayers Tome.
Starts with the spell Immaculate Flesh, which removes all active Poison effects and increases Poison and Wyrdstone Resistance by 15%. Not stackable.

Initial Skills
Divine Rage: When dealing melee damage, increases the Spellcasting chance of the next spell by 15%. The next action taken must be a spell or the effect is lost.

Potiential Spells

Shield of faith: Increases Magic Resistance by 15%. Not Stackable.
Armour of Righteousness: Grants immunity to Fear and provokes Fear on engaged enemies. Increases Armour Absorption by 10%. Not Stackable.
Deny the Heretic: Creates a zone effect at the selected area. Entering or starting a turn inside the area inflicts a debuff that reduces current and maximum Offense Points by 1 and Melee Hit chance by 5% for 1 turn. Not Stackable.
Immaculate Flesh: Removes all active Poison effects and increases Poison and Wyrdstone Resistance by 15%. Not Stackable.
Word of Damnation: Reduces Magic Resistance by 10% and the chance to pass All Alone, Fear, and Terror tests by 25%. Not Stackable.
Soulfire: Deals 10-15 damage. Bypasses Armour Absorption.
Prayer of Absolution: Increases Armour Absorption by 5% and Dodge and Parry chance by 10%. Not Stackable.
Healing Hand: Restores up to 40 wounds.

Templar Knight
The younger children of noble lords or the disposed heirs of conquered domains, Templar Knights often seek a position for themselves by offering service to the temples of mankind’s gods. Those who serve Sigmar usually end up in the warband of a Witch Hunter Captain, granted the chance to prove the sincerity of their faith by giving battle to the creatures of Chaos. Armed and armoured in finery befitting their noble birth, Templar Knights are nevertheless untested warriors and their lack of experience can make them overeager in combat.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Sword & Shield
Set 2: Nothing


Last Stand: This unit will never disengage or flee from melee battle, it will fight until the end. The unit is also coolheaded.
Fearless: Immune to All Alone, Fear and Terror

Initial Skills
Stoic: When engaged with 2 or more enemies, increases Melee Resistance by 10%. Not Stackable
Few sights are more terrifying than that of seeing an Executioner approaching his victim. Selected for their massive physiques and utter remorselessness, these sinister warriors know neither pity nor mercy. Tasked to deliver final justice to the enemies of Sigmar, an Executioner becomes inured to killing, as ready to slay in cold blood as in the heat of battle. Great two-handed swords and double-headed axes are the weapons of choice for these killers, tools with which they become quite accomplished in the course of their gory trade.

Initial Weapon Set

Set 1: Great Axe
Set 2: Nothing


Fire Purge: Each melee attack has 25% chances to put the enemy on fire for 2 turns, the fire damage is taken at the beginning of its turn.
Fearless: Immune to All Alone, Fear and Terror
Last Stand: This unit will never disengage or flee from melee battle, it’ll fight until the end
Tiring Immunity: Immune to tiring effects.

Initial Skills
Pyre of the Righteous: Places an effigy at a target location that can be destroyed by enemies. The effigy increases the chance to pass All Alone, Fear, Terror by 30%, and Melee and Ranged Hit chance by 10% for allies within 5 meters. Usable once every 2 turns. Not Stackable.

Title: Mordheim: City of the Damned – Witch Hunters
Genre: RPG, Strategy
Developer: Rogue Factor
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
Release Date: 21 Jun, 2016

Mordheim City of the Damned Witch Hunter
SIZE: 9.15 GB

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Langkah mengatasi Save Error 533 The Sims 4

Monday, June 20, 2016

Pro Cycling Manager 2016 ( 2DVD )

7-Game - Bagi anda yang menyukai game-game bergenre olahraga anda bisa mencoba game balap sepeda ini yang dimana gambarnya dan effect dari game tersebut terlihat real, meskipun hanya sebuah game olah raga balap sepeda, tapi cukup santai dan menyenangkan untuk dmainkan.

Concerning the recreation

Your selections will form the finest victories

 Pro Cycling Manager 2016

emerge as the exercises supervisor of a professional cycling crew and participate in a first-class 2016 season packed with new facets so one can let you journey the world in over 200 cycling events (550 levels) including the famous Tour de France 2016 and La Vuelta.

As the manager, it’s up to you to coordinate each side of a crew’s lifestyles: recruiting, negotiating contracts with cyclists and sponsors, managing staff, training and dealing with the race calendar… your position can even be valuable throughout the races themselves when you consider that you are going to ought to make real time key choices during the different phases. Play solo or assignment managers from all over the place the world in an completely redesigned on-line multiplayer mode.

 Pro Cycling Manager 2016 ( 2DVD )

 Pro Cycling Manager 2016 ( 2DVD )

 Pro Cycling Manager 2016 ( 2DVD )

Minimum Pro Cycling Manager 2016:
Memory: 3072 MB RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 11 GB available space

Recommended Pro Cycling Manager 2016:
Memory: 4096 MB RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 11 GB available space


Overhaul of the multiplayer mode for an extremely whole expertise: creation of pursuits, particular rules, leaderboards, cooperative mode…
Richer professional bike owner Mode with more developed relationships and interactions between you, your manager and your teammates.
Improved profession mode with a new objective process for a higher challenge.
More sensible due to picture upgrades, a new interface, a more developed AI that takes into higher consideration cyclists’ potential, weariness and behaviors for the duration of breakaways.
Share the content created by the players group utilising Steam Workshop (races, jerseys, database…)

Title: Pro Cycling Manager 2016
style: Simulation, physical games
Developer: Cyanide Studio
writer: focus residence Interactive
unencumber Date: sixteen Jun, 2016

Pro Cycling Manager 2016 ( 2 DVD )
Size HDD: 6.20 GB

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Cara sederhana mengatasi Save Error 533 The Sims 4

Okegamers2 - Kadang mungkin bagi anda yang sudah lama dan mendapatkan atau membangun berbagai items pada the Sims 4 merasa kesal dan lelah tentunya karena setelah kita berjuang untuk membangun game tersebut ternyata tidak bisa di save, sehingga merasa terbuang percuma.

Cara sederhana mengatasi Save Error 533 The Sims 4

Nah bagi anda yang juga mengalami demikian tidak ada salahnya mecoba untuk
Instal ulang the Sims 4,
Dan pastikan semua berjalan di run administrator dan jangan ada yang di blok oleh windows defender
Atau anda matikan semua system tersebut.
Pastikan anda instal Patchnya dengan benar dan berhasil, karaaena ternyata itu juga yang meyebabkan terjadinya kegagalan save pada game.

Nah sekian sharenya jika ada tambahan atau ada yang mau berbagi silahkan anda komentar di bawah
Baca juga
Cara instal The Sims 4


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